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harness and intertia belt


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OK, I know I'll be sneered at by the 'less weight is more' belivers, but has anyone here managed to have both normal intertia seat belts and 4 point harnesses on the car at the same time?


I'm keen to have both on my car so I can use the quick and simple inertia belt for tarting about, and leave the 4 point harness tucked away until I do some more involved driving 😬


The problem I suppose is the mounting points down either side of the seats. Given the right length bolts, can anyone forsee a saftey problem with having both sets bolted up?




Martin Saunders

ohh, is it upgrade time? :)

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No experience but I don't see why not. Your main problem is going to be what to do with the lap belts and buckle of the 4 (or 6?) point harness - unless you want to have to refit them every time you want to use them.


I suggest using a harness like mine, where the belts effectively clip in to retaining 'eyes' so you can just unclip them when you're not using them - see the Schroth ones on page 82 of the GPR catalogue for what I mean. There's even a couple of 4-point ones, the Profi II-Clubman (number 1) and Profi II-ASM (number 2) if you don't want to go 6-point.




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Now do you have 4 point harness at the moment.


If not then i suggest you get them or better 6 point as they are even more secure then once they are adjusted to you as the driver you will find the faffing to be a bit less then you of thought.




The happy handle made me do it

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Martin, Probably not what you want to hear, but having sufferred a lacerated ear, cracked ribs and a detached retina whilst 'tarting about' *wink* at low speed on the road with an inertia reel belt on, I wouldn't consider using one now ☹️


(The injuries were caused when another car hit the rear of mine sideways on at fairly low speed, causing me to be flung sideways and I hit my head on the rear bulkhead - I think). *eek*


Ian - MI 5EVN - Slightly Vider SVelte model 😬 now repainted to match the Autocom headsets 😳

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My car had both. So yes !


I recently upgaded the harnesses from 2inch to 3 inch and took the intertia reels off. They are surprisingly heavy.


You can have my old inertia reels for nothing if you want......but I would always wear the harnesses. After all they are part of the fun of a Seven.

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I have the inertia reels still fitted but have never used them- I had a coming together with an M25 crash barrier in Feb and no injuries using the harnesses.


Will probably take the reels off this winter if I get time - blating or belt removal? - give me the roads every time *cool*

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I left my inertias in for a while after I'd fitted the harnesses for exactly the reason you give Martin. However, I never once used them having found how secure the harnesses were.

I was also influenced by a fellow Carrotlander who barrel rolled his car and came out unscathed despite the car being a total mess. I think (as he did) that had he had inertia belts on he may well have been thrown out of the top (when upside down) and probably would not be with us today .. a sobering thought when you saw his car


I would never go back to inertia belts in a roofless car .. if you want to potter around wearing inertia reel belts buy a Diahatsu Charade


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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The crotch strap doesn't go under the seat. So take the seat squab out, hold up the crotch strap, replace the squab and hey presto.......


Well, that's how it is on my 7. The crotch strap is fixed to the 2 lugs at the bottom of the rear bulkhead.


Chris Alston

1800 Supersprint here

Drive it like you stole it! *eek* but don't tell my pupils that 😳


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Robster - Agree with what Chris says, that's what I used to do. Then (recently) bought a leather S type squab with a speaker cone pushed thru it. The crotch strap passes thru this.



Martin S - Seems that not a lot of people would recommend the use of inertia reel belts. I would agree with them. It doesn't really take that long to fasten up 4 or 5/6 point belts, not when you get used to it.

If however you do go for it then YES you can attach both types at one.

IIRC - Normal length bolt has ~30mm thread length, when fastening 2 or 3 hangers to the moiunting point you'd probably need ~38mm (or 1 1/2" as it happens(

I think that the threads are 7/16" UNF - though make sure that you get High tensile (or whatever is recommended these days) and not standard bolts .






Dear Lord, give me chastity and self-restraint .. .. .. but not yet, O Lord, not yet 😳

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Thanks all for the helpful advise. I've got the 4 points on at the moment, but currently have the inertia belt tucked in behind the seat.


I think I've been persuaded to ditch the inertia belt, so when the car gets put and stands for the LSD bulk buy I'll try and get the inertia reels out as well.


Cheers all




Martin Saunders

ohh, is it upgrade time? :)

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  • 2 months later...

There is some sobering comment on this thread. I currently have inertia belts only (fitted from new I believe) but it would seem a move to a four point harness would be good news (I do not need the 6 point version). I do not want both!! I experienced the harnesses in use on Angus' car last weekend at a track and you are certainly 'held' in *eek* *thumbup*


So, my next question, which belts are best and at what price? The car is used mainly on the road. I want 'in and out' easily (relatively) and I am a slightly big chap around the midrift currently 😬. What is recommended please? Do they fit into existing holes/mountings on the chassis?


This is my third se7en over the years and all had inertia belts - unusual it seems? Any advice gratefully received. Merci. Dave



aka Dave Ardley. White Supersprint with Clams 'Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted'

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I was thinking from both a cost and 'practicality' point of view Guy - simply doing the damn things up (and having to mount the extra harness points or do I have that wrong *confused*). My car is essentially a road car (although I would now like to do a few track days in it). Happy to be convinced otherwise though.


aka Dave Ardley. White Supersprint with Clams 'Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted'

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Hi Dave


My Seven (with clams!) was fitted with interia belts only when i bought it. I had a set on Willans on order (BC bulk buy) at the time of purchase as I too just didn't feel secure using interias. Car now has both belt arrangements incidentally. Quite a few of us showed interest in the Willans in particular so Luke Beaumont arranged the bulk buy - top fella *thumbup*


Putting aside 4 or 6 point, the main differences are belt width, release mechanism and adjusters.

Belt widths - usually 2 or 3 inches, think the most popular is 3" shoulder and 2" lap so you get good width across the shoulder and chest to spread the pressure and 2" on the lap as they are more comfortable and don't pinch so much.

Release mechanism - aircraft turnbuckle is the one to have.

Adjusters - go for the ali adjusters is you are happy to go for the extra expense, much easier to loosen the straps than the steel ones, though the steel ones are perfectly liveable with once used a few times.


One other thing to note is that the lap adjusters for the Willans are reverse adjusters in that you pull the strap down to tighten, I believe with the Caterham/Luke ones you pull up (sure someone will confirm), best see which arrangement you prefer.

Also the Willans eyebolts do not allow the belts so swivel as you can't fit a tophat but again that doesn't seem to bother most people. Mine are bolted down tight and I don't have any hassle with them, don't even notice it.


I went for red Willans 3"shoulder / 2" lap 4 point, turnbuckle with the steel adjusters ☹️ and paid IIRC £220 for a pair.




ps was it you enquiring about the RM? Any thoughts?

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Wasn't it you that was considering a Routemaster bus for a business idea you were thinking of?


I e-mailed you to offer my Dad's services regarding advice, locating one etc. If not you then sorry for any confusion, ignore 'all after hello' on the subject!






Edited by - Lotus Boy on 9 Feb 2006 18:04:23

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From research for my dimly remembered final year uni project - if you are wearing harnesses, pull them up tight - really tight (which then destroys the seat squab over time . . ) - loose harnesses (and harnesses that feel tight but because of loose clothes or bulky clothes really aren't) can do you more damage than an inertia reel.


If the car comes to sudden stop, in-effect you accelerate into the loose harness - and come to a more severe stop than if you have been strapped in tightly. You get the same effect with inertia reels that are worn slack - or these idiots that seem to drive relining way behind the belt . . .



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Yes Dave it was me! Sorry. Crap with acronyms *wink* I need to chase that up still - its taken a bit of a back seat recently for a whole range of reasons (trying to make some dosh being one of them!). Will email your dad and get some info. It's still a thought - for a bar near blagnac here in Toulouse. I am also looking at an old aircraft fuselage as an idea.........many thanks for flagging it up for me *thumbup* Cheers for now. Dave


aka Dave Ardley. White Supersprint with Clams 'Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted'

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