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Points system proposal #2


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OK - how about this, not perfect but maybe workable/acceptable, and is really a combination of the current system and Daves proposal, I think it has the majority of positives and removes one of the main issues with the original proposal, namely wet event scoring...


1. We keep the current point scoring system the same as it is today...




2. Anyone who breaks the class record gets a bonus of the time they beat the old class record on top of there score, thus for example


Previous class record 60.25s

Driver 1 - 59.65 - get 20.15 for winning and being .15 faster than 2nd, plus bonus of 0.6 for beating record, total = 20.75

Driver 2 - 59.80 - gets 20 points for second and bonus .45 for beating record total = 20.45

Driver 3 - 60.12 - gets 19.68 for coming third plus bonus .13 for beating record total = 19.81

Driver 4 - 60.25 - gets 19.55 for coming 4th , no bonus for equaling record total = 19.55

Driver 5 - 60.80 - gets 19.00 for coming 5th, no bonus for being slower than record = 19.00


this to me starts to solve some of the issues DaveJ's system trys to resolve as well as catering for Wet events


a) prevent 21.5 max all season *arrowright* now max can be higher so differentiating for those breaking records

b) remove the effect that only 3 runners in class has and allow everyone the chance to win overall *arrowright* to a lesser extents resolves this, but think we should keep the 20.5 rule...

c) remove the potential of "joe bloggs isnt at Aintree - I can score a max points " *arrowright* doesn't resolve this but I think this is less of an issue and to some extents it should be about who turns up on the day, but this way if you don't break a class record you are no maximising your opportunity

d) benchmark everyone and the overall speed champion and class champions against the best ever times *arrowright* helps to enforce this as drivers who break all class records throughout year will be recongised and differentiated by those that are just dominating there class

e)Make the overall champion and class champion the person who realy has driven the hardest, and offered the most commitment - this may also be read as in rounds attended . *arrowright* helps enforce this one


obviously for wet days no class records will be beaten, but the effect on possible low point scoring is lessenned and there is still a incentive for people to turn up/enter/drive hard/be competitive...and score 21.5....


New venues, no bonus to be scored, but incentive for people to turn up is that they wil have knoweldge and expereince for following year, where records can be broken...and it is the same for everyone


we could put a max cap say 23:00 points total score, probably unlikely that will be hit that oftern as you need to beat every opponent by that amount, and break the class record by at least 1.5s at the same time...


thoughts 🤔 probably some gaping hole somewhere




PS this doesn't solve the issue of what do we do if class regs change *confused*




Edited by - robmar on 18 Nov 2005 17:32:30

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my main thought is to keep the class champoinship going till the last event. If we give to many points away someone could be imposible to catch. It would be good to have each person in class with a realistic chance of moving up the field towards the end of the year.


This would mean that anyone just trying to do the 7 rounds would find it difficult to maintain there position, and would either have to do an other event or except it as it is.


Having re read the post this might be a good way forward, lost me on the maths at 1st *eek*. It would resolve the wet issue and reward new class records.


The question on it depends on who turns up on the day and results. Why penalise those that turn up, if the person can not turn up its their loss. May be the question should be why do people not turn up? lack of time, short of funds ect...


Its imporant to remember this is a CLUB champoinship, it might be the best 7 champoinship in the UK or even the world, but its about the membership having fun whether you are new or old , 1st or last.







Edited by - David Nelson on 18 Nov 2005 21:38:59

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It still penalises the classes where only 3 turn up yet the class leader is realy quick


it is still dependent on who else turns up - and is dependent on the performance of 2nd place man (or woman)


we wouldnt be bechmarking against class record


Without wishing to be a a pain in the ass - it leaves many of the downsides of the current system and only offers the person who breaks a class record an advantage .


DaveN - as was previously mentioned, it is very diffiult to try and *fully* include a competitor who just chooses to do the minimum number of rounds *and* be in with a shout of a class win or overall championship - the reality is that every "drop score" championship in every sport, provides an advantage to maximimise points to the entrant who does more rounds than just the bare minimum - this will always be the case regardless of the weather or who else turns up - we cant possible speculate on why people dont turn up - the reasons are wide an varied.


yes it is fun , and will remain fun . I would also like to see the championship run out to the final round - to do this the points system has to be such to enable it. But if your 7 rounds are the first seven it wont make any difference anyway 😬 *wink*


My proposal had one downside - the reduced potential to score points on a wet event - but everyone scored reduced points. it would place those that only chose to do the minimum number of rounds *and* hope to be in with a shot at a class or overall win at a disadvantage (please consider this fact and think how many would this affect vs how many competitiors would gain in the classes 1,4&6 where they often score 20.5 max due to lack of numbers) - it provided everyone else with a tighter more competitive scoring system, benchmarked everyone against the class record , removed the issue of who else turns up , removed the issue of minimum numbers in class and rewarded those who beat a class record.


I gotta go on holiday pretty soon - I'll leave it to you guys to decide what is best for the majority of contenders and to make the series more competitive and fairer to those whose classes contain small numbers of entrants - One , four and six.


Please give it some thought - I have absolutly nothing to gain in advantage from the thought I have put into this - Andy still would have won this year *thumbup* and I still would won my class *smile* . I'm only pushing this for the overall good of our championsip and the majority of competitors - especially those in clases 1,4 and 6 where we need to build numbers and include .


cheers Guys


have a good day tomorrow


I gotta go lay onmy sunbed now *cool* 😬








Edited by - Dave Jackson on 19 Nov 2005 08:29:21

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Thing is no points system will be perfect, so it is a question of acceptable compromise. I think Rob's option at least moves cloer to Dave's idea but without the wet weather problem.


I don't think the scoring should be influenced by the people (like me) who will do the minimum number of rounds. If you want to win then you have to go to the effort of making it to enough rounds to drop low scores.


My reasons for not doing more is a mix of family, bike racing and money, I choose to compromise my championship position to do other things as well, so I'm bound to pay the price in the final standings.








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rather than fix the points system for classes that have few competitors, why not look at the fundamental reason why there are so few in those classes (i am not sure why that is btw), and fix that. fix the problem, not the impact of that problem....



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