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No rear brake-cicruit pressure?


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Hmm - that's odd.


I'm stripping the front of the car - I undid the front brake hoses at the clappers and then pumped the brake pedal to help drain the front circuit. FIne-fine.


There seemed to be almost no resistance from the rear circuit though - I could quite-happily push the pedal to the floor repeatedly...


I would have thought that the pedal would get very spongey (only half of the normal resistance)...


Erm, hmm.... *confused*


MC is the AP 'race' jobbie by the way.


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Just done exactly as you have & same result. if you think about it most modern cars have split diagonal circuits whereas the 7 has front/rear split. On this evidence I don't think the rears would work in an emergency after a catastrophic leak from the front.
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That was the conclusion I came to. Scary, but incomprehensible.


Howstuffworks has a good article on master-cylinders here


There is even an animated diagram that simulates a brake leak...


...I'm guessing that the fail-safe isn't actually coming into play - i.e. we would need more pedal movement to get the rear piston to move in the event of a front-circuit failure...?


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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