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DRY SUMP!!! More updates and finalising names!!!!! PACE


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Have ben hectic in the office so sorry for lack of updates. I had a long chat with Neil on sunday (the guy works all hours!) as due to the lower number of people that are interested in them designing a tank it is not economically viable for them to design it. They are happy for people to give them a design and they will build the tank to that specification (but they need detailed drawings). His suggestion was to approach Brise and see if they would give us a discount on a bulk buy. That would depend on the number of people who would be interested in their tank though. I have contacted caterham to see how much shortening the footwell will cost and the footwell panel kit is £25. Because of this I am seriously considering shortening it and purchasing the pace tank (normal 6.5 version) and putting it in there as it would be a cheaper option. However, if enough people want the Brise tank then I can contact them and see if they will do a discount. I think the brise tank is circa £260. The Pace tank is £160 plus vat and minus our discount so it seems to be more cost effective but depends on whether people don't mind having the shortened footwell.


Due to the above reasons they are not taking my car in now ☹️ but I am going to work with them to give people as much help as I can regarding fitting the kit and working out what fittings etc you all need. I do have a list of fittings (earlier in this thread) that gives a good run down of what is required for the kit when fitting a brise tank. I will try to work out what is needed for a normal system and also for a kit with a laminova too.


I have also spoken to him about the filter arrangement and it seems best to go for the remote arrangement as it will be a lot neater and will ensure the pipes etc go where we want them to go with better access to the filter (so no fouling of the alternator and not running the pipes through the belt).


What I need to do next is send neil an order with all of the names on the list who are definately buying the kit. This will be a comittment to buy from pace and they can them produce the systems and send them out. I will e-mail you all individually to ask for names, addresses and contact numbers to confirm the order. So if anyone else wants to join in then they need to let me know quickly as we are about to tie it all up.

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As I'm yet to order my chassis I could do so with a short footwell, however I'm assuming that there will still be sufficient room to accomadate the heater, Emerald, and red top battery on the top with the 5Ltr/7ltr DS tank against the end. 🤔 *confused*


*confused* 🤔Can anyone confirm that the shortened footwell dosen't adversely affect passenger comfort, as I understand it, it only affest the length on the top of the footwell the lower length dimension remains unchanged?


Any instalation piccy's / advice gratefully recieved *smile*

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Kev, You should have mail (today). I'm in, at least to the extent of sump and pump.

Thanks for all your perseverance. *thumbup*


I was sitting in the passenger seat the other night trying to figure out what a shortened footwell would be like.

Does anyone know the extent to which the footwell is shortened? ie is it a square finish to the obvious point where the rivets are?

I'm still thinking - take the £25 and figure out some flatter shaped tank which is also the end of the footwell (cosy in winter).


Related subject is the remote oil filter. Does anyone know if on a VX the usual oil filter gets in the way of putting the pump on the offside of the engine? Are there other constraints or best practices for which side to put the pump?

Which side do you dress? 😬 😬





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I measure the footwell in my car last night, I'm 52 9" and with the seat right back I can put my legs straight and just touch the top chassis rail with my toes, this is the rail where the footwell extension joins the panel that the heater sits on, so a flat front footwell will be fine for passengers up to 5' 9" or 5' 10".


I drew out the pipe routing for a footwell end tank compared to a brise tank in front of the engine, there's a lot of pipework going right round the engine with the footwell tank.


I'd have a think about that before discounting the Brise tank.




See willfly.net for more info.

If you don't spin you ain't trying *smile*

Happiness is knowing you have just a tad too much power *wink*


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Thanks for all you hard effort on this one, however it seems that since we're back to the brise price I'm going down the short footwell route.


I spoke to Neil @ Pace yesterday who confirmed it is their 6.5" tank that CC use in the race cars, pipe work length is not an issue as these will be -10 and -12 and considerably shorter than pipe runs in many other competition cars, RWD rally cars for instance


The only glitch is find a Y piece to connect the 2 x -10 scavenge pipes into 1 x -12 to form the return line to the tank, I'm about to phone Think on this, failing this a simple 5/8,5/8,3/4 push on Y would suffice.


Neil @ Pace, can on requst make bespoke scavenge manifolds (to get around the above scenario) for any kits being ordered, these are made to match individual pumps therefore anyone like me who already has a kit would need to return the complete pump for fitting, cost on these agan depending on qty !


Footwell wise, Simon Lambert confirmed Will's comments above just about exactly!, and offered a short footwell as a no cost option as I'm about to place an order, they will also supply tank and fitting kit (no hoses) on new kit orders, but as yet not ank only for after market.

He also added that many passengers prefer the short footwell as it enables them to brace themselves more easily as opposed to having 'flayling legs' !! bit like the nav's footrest in rally cars I suppose !


Hope this helps.



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Hi all


My understanding is that no Y piece is needed as the pump is constructed in such a way that the 2 scavenge feeds in have one common outlet to the tank. The scavenge stages are internally connected so one is just blanked off. I think this is covered on the Pace website.



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Your correct in threfact hat the CD2000 pump can have inter connected scavenge, however in the K aplication the 2 scavenge pumps are seperated by the enging mounting block, this has a hole throgh it of rouhly 2" and the bespoke Pace manfold passes forward through this.


Looking at my pump tonight it would appear that internal connections are not possible due to where the hole for the engine mouting bolts pass through the spacer block, ie right whre he internal passage would be.


So a manifold or Y piece is required when using it on a K series / 7 application.





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Would having two inlet ports on the tank cure this?

If I'm having a tank made then there shouldn't be much extra cost in getting a second inlet fitted, I would think it would look a little more professional than Y pieces and hose clips everywhere, plus I'd be happier with the reduction in joints/potential things to come loose required.

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Yes I see what you mean but it states on the pace site that the pressure stage can be at the front or back of the pump. So if it is at the front then the 2 scavenge stages will be together at the rear so only one return connection will be needed, using the internal connections.


I haven't got my pump yet so I will check tomorrow with Pace if this is possible - I dont see why not.



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Hmm, just had a quick scout round the Pace site but I can't find he front or rear option on the CD2000 section ?, mind you it was only a quick scout. *confused*


My pump is exacly as shown on the K kit part, wih the pressure tage rear mounted, I can't find any images of a side mounted pressure relief valve on a CD2000 pressure stage which would be required to front mount this stage, also Neil @ Pace made no mention of options the othr day either


Grim reaper, a twin entry tank would solve this , however I intend using the easyclean tank so I'll look into Y connectors, if done correctly this is no more a problem than using additional oil coolers or a remote filter head with the asociated additional connections in the lines. *wink*

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I have just been speaking to Neil @ Pace about the scavenge thing. The pump that we are getting cannot have the pressure stage at the front, only the BG type can do this.


However Pace make a scavenge manifold which takes the 2 outlets into 1 -12 fitting - cost about £38.00 so probably no more than an the extra fittings and pipework for a twin return and no tank mods needed. This is what I am going to have.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Has the order gone in.


How many people need Brise tanks and have you ordered them yet, if you have did you ask for any mods and what capacity did you ask for.





See willfly.net for more info.

If you don't spin you ain't trying *smile*

Happiness is knowing you have just a tad too much power *wink*


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The order has gone in for the sump/pump kit (went in monday) and I should think pace will be getting in touch soon.


I have not spoken to brise but I also have not had much feedback from anyone about whether they wanted me to or not. I personally am going the shortened footwell route as I think it would be superior and cheaper but I know some are not too keen. What do people want to do?

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