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Help on Zetec Engine Numbers


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I was intending to update my registration document by registering my (not so) new Zetec engine in my 1990 Seven


I've found the number, but it is almost illegible. It seems to be of the form ND84952.


Can anyone advise whether I've got the right number of letters/numbers in the right order for it to be a credible 1.8 Zetec E engine number?


Iif the engine number isn't right, I'm concerned about selling on, being stopped by the police and/or the new fangled MOT ...


Many thanks,





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After further gentle sanding/rubbing/polishing, there seem to be additional characters at the end of the 'ND84952'..... possibly three characters ending in A.


But the face of the engine is too corroded/damaged to tell!



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Thanks all for the comments.


Currently my registration document details my old engine and I was keen to try and get it right.


I've dug out a Burton catalogue which partially explains the Ford engine numbering system. So Peterg, you're engine was apparently built in Novemember 1992. Like both your and my engine numbers, the Burton catalogue gives examples, all of which are two letters followed by five numbers.


So I think I'm sorted! *thumbup*


Thanks again,



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