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How do you get superglue of a polycarbonate lense?

One day soon

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☹️I stupidily didn't take the lenses out of my Wiley's this morning when gluing the foam back on and managed to flick a couple of specks of glue on to the lenses. *thumbdown*


To add to my stupidity, *confused* rather than wait for the little bits to dry I decided to quickly try and wipe it off, result two F *mad* *mad*KED UP lenses, I wouldn't have minded too much if they had been one of the sets of tinted lenses but it's the clear ones and they are needed more now than ever given the low light in the am & pm.


Any idea's, if not where do I get new clear lenses?


Glass OK *tongue*


Edited by - one day soon on 7 Oct 2005 14:02:08

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If no one comes up with a better plan, Superglue is not waterproof. I've never tried to shift it off a surface but I'd probably soak them in warm water or something along those lines and then try glass cleaner.



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I thought that there was such a product as superglue solvent/remover?


I have heard tales of hospitals using it in A&E to seperate fingers etc?


Strongy, pratting about on Blatchat when I should either be working or getting ready to go home *wink*

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I have gun wash (for cleaning spray paint equip) that shifts super glue.

Might shift the lens too though. Acetone would do both so no go.

You could try warmish water and soaking for a long time - might work doubt it somehow.

Bonded skin eventually releases due the the oils in the skin undermining the bond.


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