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Rear viewing


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No doubt this topic has previously been posted to death but, I just got on the boat. If some Blatter could reference an earlier post I would be obsequiously appreciative. At 6' 1 1/2" the rear view mirror obscures forward vision, especially when turning. All creative solutions would be considered. I've already tried a dwarf standing in the passenger seat facing rearward ( rejected when he achieved a head first low orbital trajectory midway through a hairpin turn ). Thanks for all better thoughts than that.



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I asume that the mirror giving you problems is the one stuck to the windscreen, in the middle at the top.

A few suggestions are -

1 Try moving the mirror sideways especially if you regularly don't have a passenger.

2 Add a quarterlight/door mirror(s)

3 Fit aeroscreens/wind deflectors and a scuttle mounted mirror on a stalk of a length to suite, again, it doesn't have to be mounted centrallycool.gif

4 Take the seat out and sit on the floorteeth.gif


Dave H

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being 6'1" i suffer this bad... i have two solutions, neither of which i've tried yet though...


the first is to mount the same mirror, but sticking out of the dash. that way you get great vision, the only drawback being that you can totally zip up the tonneau.


the second is that you can apparently get a clip on rear view mirror that you can clip to the top of the windscreen from halfords. they don't actually look that bad, i saw one at a track day a little while back. drawback being you can't use it with the roof on, but unless your some wierdo pansy who puts the roof up all the time, that won't be much of a problem... ( tongue.gifwink.gif )



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I use a small suction mirror that gets rid of this problem. True it probably doesn't meet all the rules and regs but it does remove the large blind spot just in front of the near side front wing that you get with the satndard one. I believe Halfords sell it as a child view mirror, for keeping a close eye on what the little blighters are doing in the back seat
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The simplest solution is often the best - just remove the bl**dy thing! Construction and use regs state that you need at least two mirrors. Those are and offside door/wing mirror and either a nearside door/wing mirror OR internal mirror.


I removed mine 5 years ago, and I've never had a problem with the law or MOT man since.


Just learn to drive like a motorcycle and use the two outside mirrors and life-savers when changing lanes.





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You may just have been lucky, the Con and Use Regs actually say that you need both internal and external mirrors unless the internal mirror would give you no vision at all, such as a Luton type van!


I recall posting a full transcipt on this subject a while back, lifting the text from Butterworth's Road Traffic Handbook.



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Snap, this is the first thing i did as it seriously obscured my view at T jucntions and approaching roundabouts and i now have a pair of the small SPA mirros with convex mirrors. I find that i hardly use them anyway as i've comfortably reverted to old 2-wheel habits including the 'dead mans look' over the shoulder and you also get better general awareness of whats around you.

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I don't doubt the interpretation of the DTLR site but would refer you to the entry on the 16.2.01 here when I copied word for word the relevant Con and Use Regs.


Don't know which is right?


No axe to grind just don't want you to get caught out, although if you quoted the DTLR info site, I'm sure you would convince any doubters.




Edited by - andrew russell on 4 Dec 2001 15:31:58

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I had the same problem, have solved it by fitting a ford escort mirror upside down at the bottom of the screen, it is held on with an adhesive pad. Better than a scuttle mounted mirror as you can still use the tonneau



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I have moved the standard mirror about 3 inches to the left which is a big improvement.

thanks to someone on an earlier thread recommending Ford adhesive pads - i also find these work better than some others from H*lf*rds


I note in the DoE regs

quote "Internal mirrors must be surrounded by some material so that it is unlikely that severe cuts will be caused should the mirror be struck by any occupant of the vehicle".


so at least think about where your passengers forehead will move to in a crash






If it ain't broke, maybe it's time I had a look at it...

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Blatman, You're right, I am a colonial/wrong side driver. However, I figure the problem is "common"---except I notice it on right turns rather than lefties. As every seven is so individualised I reckoned (correctly) that a batch of creative solutions would spew forth. Thanks to all respondents. Hope to get you all a round or 2 in the future. yankeedoodoo



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Yeah. I was merely questioning those people who have taken the trouble to find and hyperlink to sites concerning UK law/MOT law (which probably doesn't apply on your side of the pondwink.gif), and trying to save them some time.......smile.gif
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Here's my suggestion (it works for me):

1) Remove mirror wiyhout breaking windscreen.

2) Replace windscreen if all of no. 1 above was not successful.

3) While (whilst?) sitting in the seat, position mirror so that the mirror just

obscures the front wing, but not the space above it where the mirror now

obscures this.

4) Reattach mirror via your favo(u)rite method at this location. I turned mine

upside down so the mirror stalk is at the bottom.


This position is low enough that you will also see part of the boot and the spare but you will see following traffic at a reasonable distance. Aty least there's no more "turning in the direction of the mirror"

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JamMad - what is it stuck on with?


Typically, wait until summer, get the interior nice and wet, put the roof on. Leave over night. In the morning it'll be sat on the seat no problem.


If you can't wait that long, a stanley knife type blade an patience are the order of the day.

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