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New engine purchase


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Following the news today that my head gasket has probably failed, my engine upgrade plans are to be brought forward. As I don't want to do any of the work myself other than perhaps removing and refitting the engine I am tempted by a turn-key engine such as those supplied by Hellier Performance.

I am looking for something around 200bhp (more would be nice but there are limits to the budget not only for the engine but the rest of the kit that would need upgrading to match). So a few questions:

1. Is it worth the extra £1k for the 1.9 conversion and an extra 10bhp?

2. Are there any risks or benefits of a 1.9 over the 1.8?

3. Does anyone here use the EFi engine management system that Hellier supply? Can it be mapped by the end user? Could I (or should I) specify an Emerald?

4. Are there other suppliers of turn-key engines I should look at?

5. Is it likely I could save a significant amount of money by sourcing the parts myself and getting an engine builder to put it together.

6. For a 200bhp engine, is there any point in using my existing engine (1.6 Super Sport) as a base or would only the block be reused?

Please note that this process needs to be minimum hassle and time for me. I spent 6 months stripping and rebuilding my car over the winter and I really don't want to spend any more time in the garage (nor does my wife want me to either *tongue*). Reliability of the new engine is important.



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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£7k for 1.8 and £8k for 1.9.

Are the R400 engines the ex-race ones? If not, i.e. if they are new, where can you get them?


Yellow SL *cool* #32


Edited by - Shaun_E on 7 Aug 2005 16:15:00

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Have a word with Simon Lambert.


I know a chap who is thinking about doing this, and the engine has a full refresh prior to being fitted, and apparantly they will be warranied too...


Definately worth asking the questions...

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I am in the process of having a honda type r engine installed into my SLR, after the K series dropped a rod.

The main reasons for choosing this were the reliabilty of the honda(totally fed up with all of the many issues with the Kseries install) & the 260Bhp it will be producing, from a stock engine.

I bought a 3000 mile honda from ebay for £1400, I think Ian is still coming up with the total costs, but it might be worth bearing in mind.

I am hoping that the conversion should be completed in a couple of weeks time.


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Someone I know will have a Hayabusa installed in your car complete with a free sequential gearbox for similar money!Totally reliable and certainly the most fun you,ll ever experience in a Caterham? *biggrin* *thumbup*


'......in yer bike!'

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Have had a good chat with Dave Andrews now and it looks like a 200+bhp 1.9 K is now on the cards. Should make up my mind by the end of the week.

Brodie - tempting as a Hayabusa is, I think I shall be sticking with K-series power. Daves price is a little lower than that quoted above.

If anyone knows of a good source of second hand 1.8 K series then please let me know as I want to have a new engine built and fix the current one to keep me on the road.

I spoke to Simon Lambert and Caterham have sold all the ex-race R400 engines.


Yellow SL *cool* #32


Edited by - Shaun_E on 8 Aug 2005 21:17:11

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Shaun, Minister do sell ex race engines too, but I don't think they offer guarantees. Have you managed to find someone who will testify as to the longevity of the 1900 engine? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, but given your experiences with your (reliable, usually) engine, would you really sink £8k or whatever into an engine that didn't have a solid track record behind it? I know I wouldn't.....
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Mark - I discussed this with Dave and there were some issues with the early 1.9 engines that have now been resolved. Dave recommends a Scholar conversion anyway and the difference between the 1.8 and 1.9 is minimal. I think his words were that "it is a single brain cell decision". There is a risk with any tuned or non-mass produced engine as of course they can't possibly have had the level of testing that the unit will have received prior to being fitted to a Rover 25. I appreciate your comment though and am going into this with my eyes open.

If anyone with a 1.9 is reading this I would love to hear your experiences good or bad. Please email me offline if you don't want to publish here.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Shame Nigel Marston doesn't post any more - he had a Scholar conversion didn't he and could have shared his experiences (NB I hasten to add that I don't know whether they were good or bad...)


Well, he's just sold it... ...hardly used it - but it was/is a corker (244bhp from a 1.9). I drove it shortly before he passed it on. Mmm. *smile*


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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