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Trouble-free Emerald?

Kermit the K

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I'm thinking of taking the plunge and fitting an Emerald ECU to get the best out of the DVA cams in my 1.6K.


I seem to see alot of posts about running problems and re-maps.


Has anyone had a simple "fit and forget", trouble free experience with an Emerald, or should i expect some teething troubles as part of the deal?




Everything Louder Than Everything Else - Lemmy, Motorhead.

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I'd be interested in this too as when I mentioned an Emerald as an upgrade, SWMBO suggested perhaps as a birthday pressie 😬.


Currently have 1.8K SS with VVC Plenum. What benefits could I get from simply fitting the Emerald? Presume a RR session would be required to get the best out of it.


Apologies for the hijack 😳



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Only minor issue with my Emerald has been starting.

My car will start, but it sometimes (not always) needs a helping prod on the throttle to get it to catch (whether the engine is hot or cold).


When the car is warm the idle is rock solid, there are no flat spots and it pulls very evenly in all gears, but this was after a rolling road session - prior to that the throttle response was slightly odd and economy was poor as it was running rich.


You may get a map that allows you to "fit and forget" but if the purpose is to get the best out the engine you will need to budget for a rolling road mapping session.

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I have had no problems with my Emerald ECU during the 4 years I have run with it .


I think you have to seperate out problems with the hardware - very , very few and far between and problems people have in trying to get a 120bhp/litre engine to start , idle and drive like a BMW 320 😬 which is the same problem anyone could have with any aftermarket ECU . If anything things are easier with an Emerald on a K series owing to the huge database of experience and openess of Emerald themselves to help you with not only access to upgrades and settings but also quaestions over the phone .


Each engine is slightly different and requires its own setup - then you need to take time to perfect your cold start and warm up settings .


I'm chuffed with mine *thumbup*


Edited by - Dave Jackson on 22 Jul 2005 14:51:35

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I upgraded the BDR to emerald - a few years back and have never had a problem.


I fitted the emerald then drove to Dave Walkeers and then finished connecting it all up - had a mapping session then drove the car home - stalling at every set of traffic lights/junction.


After fitting new plugs (with surpressers) everything was fine and still is to theis day.


Have had no problems with it and would recomend emerald to anyone.





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I have run on Emerald ECU's for coming up to 5 years. Somewhere along the way I upgraded to the new model, to have the extra goodies. Both models completely trouble free and both Dave and Carl are a very Seven friendly pair...


If you want to tinker with your engine, then you need a re-programmable ECU and the Emerald ECU is very cost effective in this direction. They also offer an excellent mapping service...



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine

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The Emerald on my Duratec has been fine, slight hiccup when we first installed it in that I didn't set the crank trigger settings correctly so it wouldn't start but that was me not knowing what to do rather than the Emerald.


As has been said the big advantage of the Emerald is that you can get in there and tweak if you want to.


Alternatively you can just run up to one of the many rolling roads that will set them up now and get it mapped properly and then never touch it again.


I can't remeber hearing of an Emerald actually breaking and I'm sure even if it does they would be very helpful in getting it sorted out.


Rob G


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