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To long between sprints

david nelson

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You should have come down to Longcross today - great weather and it's even trickier running the course in reverse 😳


Unlike the event in April, they were short of entries for this one. They're talking about cancelling it next year unless the numbers pick up..... anybody for a second longcross round of the championship?



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agree with RichardO you missed a great if slightly hot day at longcross....


actually all you needed was to join something like the sutton and cheam or tunbridge wells MC at 20 and 15 quid respectively, plus they you get invitess to other events such as the abingdon CARnival


we should look at getting invites to both longcross events, and I know the organisers would be greatful for an extra 30+ entrats from the l7 club *thumbup*


rob *smile*

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Other people have moaned there are too many events this year so its impossible to please everyone 😬 😬,


.......but if you want to take on organising the 2 longcross events next year I'm sure Mr Durrant will not have a problem with that 😬 😬, I think this is how it will need to work in the future to stop one person getting bogged down with everything.


Mark where are you 🤔 🤔




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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BB; what is involved in organising an event when we are an invited club? Other than getting us invited in the first place obviously..... is it just a matter of talking to the hosts, giving them a list of names and addresses and sorting out the results afterwards?




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in essence YES, the hard part is intially getting all the dates to fit together as the invited clubs will have got their dates fixed quite early on.




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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There are *heaps* of sprint/hillclimb events around the country every weekend. Register for the HSA (Hillclimb and Sprint Assoc.) championship and one or two others (PPC, ASCMC etc.) and you'll have more regs flowing through your letter box than you can cope with.



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There is also a balance here that needs to be struck when organising a calendar.


As Graham has said the first priority is to achieve a set of events that construct a suitable schedule over the period from Easter to early October. This is much more difficult than it sounds as the various clubs firm up dates over quite a long period - and dates often change - particularly when the high level date changes - FI Silverstone this year for example forced changes all the way down the calendar. For next years events the clubs involved in the national hillclimb/sprint championships will have already/be fixing their dates now. This then filters down to the lower level national/regional championships and those clubs etc etc. This can mean that some elements of the timetable remain provisional for quite a long period - and there were 2 examples of this in the 2005 L7CGB Calendar - Shelsley Walsh - which ultimately we had to withdraw from, and MIRA whom were relatively late in confirming their commercial arrangements and thence our date. Although liaising with the organising club Comp Sec sounds trivial Graham will tell you that it isn't necessarily and there can be many phone calls over many months to get the dates in place - and even then we get forgotten when the regs are produced as happenned with Longcross this year. Its not just the date - we have to get approval for the necessary number of entries - which for our championship is pleasing high at invited events. Sometimes venues can not cope with 40+ Caterhams adding to an already congested potential entry list.


But we also need to take a view as to how many events we want to have as part of the Calendar and how many of those count within the Championship. It is not sensible to increase the number of events on the Calendar without increasing the number that points are counted from. To do otherwise would mean that the L7CGB entries for some invited events would be smaller - which would make it less of an 'event' for our club, but it may also lead to some off track competition where rivals didn't actually compete against each other very much by avoiding events their rivals are attending! If we are already having some competitors complaining what we have with 13 events is too many then the balance and number of events we have in 2005 is probably reasonably correct. More doesn't necessarily mean better. This may mean of course that if in 2006 two Longcross were deemed a good thing and could be fitted in that perhaps there may be only one Llandow or some other such compromise (not picking on Llandow for any special reason Dave!).


As Mike has pointed out there are plenty of other championships - national and regional - that most of our competitors - with perhaps different tyres for our List1B tyred competitors - can competitively enter. This year when doing my Clerk of Course duties I have regularly seen Caterhams sporting our Championship sticker competing in other championships so it does happen.


For whatever we do in 2006 we need good role delegation and coordination between the various organisers to ensure all activities are done with minimal overlap and I am sure Mark will be kicking some of that off shortly.


Hope this helps,



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If Longcross 2 was posible it would give us more coverage in the SE of England. At this time there are no events in this part of the country. I had a chap saying he did not join our champoinship as all the sprints were 150 miles from home. he lives in Surrey.


The home counties apper to lack sprints and hill climbs is this so or is it we just do not do to them?



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There are generally fewer sprints in the SE than in the midlands/north. we have done Lydden in the past but people complained as it was a Saturday morning event only with racing in the afternoon. I know that Sutton & Cheam run an event at Abingdon but we only found out about it too late this year. You have to remeber that places like Goodwood and lately Castle Coombe are a no go for our cars due to noise.


We have to have a balance of events otherwise it turns into a northern or southern championship only which none of us want.


If you are that serious about finding more events in the SE I suggest you join the Hillclimb & Sprint Assoc as it covers events all over the country.




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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150 miles ..............Hmmmm


My nearest venue would be Curborough - about 120 miles away - so I got an event running at Llandow *thumbup* *thumbup* ..... 25 miles away .


you remember we used to do Lyden , but it was dropped through lack of entries - somone who lived near Gatwick also complained it was too far away *confused* *confused* *confused* *confused*


The fact is that there isnt much sprint and hill in the south east corner - but its thriving in all other areas of the country .



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There are SE sprints - some close to surrey. Longcross is actually in surrey - by about 2 miles *tongue*


SE venues I know of are:




Farnborough (eelmore/rushmore)


Castle Combe



There are probably a load of others I don't know about too.


Abingdon, Goodwood and Combe are usually pretty full, so I suspect we've never been invited to those. And wouldn't get in if we asked.


Lydden is a bit remote (far end of Kent) but we have done it in the past. Longcross took it's place this year. They're both nice venues


The two Farnborough venues are fairly tame compared to Longcross - still technically challenging, but at lower speed, so the big power cars don't have such an advantage.


Disadvantage of both Longcross and Farnborough is that there is no camping on site at either, so it may discourage people from travelling to them. Of course the same is true of MIRA.....



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An interesting thread for the next years Competition Secretary.


In an ideal world it would be nice to compete every other weekend but as others have said this is not as easy as it sounds. I am more than happy to listen to suggestions as to how we can build on the work that Graham and Alex have put into this championship over the years and will at some point in the near future start this debate both on here and in the paddock. I have a few ideas for your consideration but wish to discuss these with BB first.




Can we meet one evening in the next week or two so we can discuss the role in greater detail *thumbup*


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*


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Yes no problem, are you in the midlands on business at any time?, I'm away on & off for the majority of August.




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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