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Splitting a ball joint?


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I'm in the process of fitting widetrack wishbones and I'm struggling to split the top ball joint on the wishbones and also the steering arm ball joint.


I've done a bit of reading and the normal process seems to be a sharp tap and it pops out, unfortunatly this doesn't seem to be working!!


Is there another way? any sort of tool I could use to do this? I'm wary of keeping hitting it in case I damage something else!


Rob G


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You need a ball joint splitter. There are two types - one is like a 'V' shaped fork that you bash in with a hammer to prise the joint apart. Not recommended except on trucks as it b's the rubber seal! The other screw type is available from most motor factors, I think Laser make one, and cost about £15 - money well spent. You adjust and screw up the splitter to apply pressure to the joint, give the splitter a bash with the hammer and the joint pops out. Don't try to use just screwing the splitter on its own or you'll break it (ask me how I know).
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I usually find that if you hit the bit that the taper fits into it usually drops out; A normal BJ splitter will either push down on the top of the threaded part ( favourite) or pull on the ball part (which usually damages the rubber). If you can apply (not much) force to the end of the threaded part with a G cramp etc, and then hit the part that the taper fits into; (your blow needs to be horizontal, ie radial to the shaft, not axial.) The resulting wave that travels around the joint will free it.

Sorry but that's the simple version.

Don't I run on 🤔

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Also, you shouldn't need to take the track rod ends off as the track rods can be unscrewed from the ends simply by loosening the lock nuts and turning the rods with a spanner on the flats. Saves unnecessary bother. Using some Loctite on the extender male thread, screw the hex extenders onto the old track rod ends. (Don't put any on the track rod ends or you won't be able to adjust the track!)
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unless you've bought new uprights you will still need to split the top joint. The new ball joints,as you say already on the wishbones, will then have to be fitted into the uprights. Don't put any anti seize on the taper as it will not grip and be very hard to tighten. Useful to have someone to help by pushing down on the joint whilst you do this bit. We did Daniel Smith's car a couple of weeks ago so the problems are still fresh in my mind!
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I assume you've managed to split the old top wishbone from the upright and now have the new, widetrack top wishbone with the ball joint fitted. The threaded bit is sticking out from the rubber seal wich may be concealing the taper. When you push the threaded/tapered spigot into the upright you need to make the taper grip the upright, otherwise you won't be able to tighten the joint 'cos, as you say, the threaded/tapered bit turns as you try to tighten the nylock nut. That's why you have to press the joint spigot into the tapered hole in the upright, so it grips whilst you tighten it. If this still doesn't make sense and you want to chat, give me a call on 07768 917487.



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Glad it made sense and it all fitted together ok. When you fit the long bolt, you'll have to pull back or remove the front top wishbone securing bolt if you've put it in temporarily. The long bolt only just fits between the front and rear top brackets when you line it up to push it into the rear bracket/shock etc. The head or nut of the front bolt (depending on which way round you've fitted it) gets in the way until the long bolt is in place.


Remember not to tighten any of the bolts until you've lowered the car and loaded up the suspension. Otherwise the rubber bushes will be flexed when statically loaded.


Sorry if I'm teaching Granny to suck eggs and all that!


All the best



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Yup I spotted the long bolt problem when taking the old stuff off, good point about not tightening things up though, hadn't even thought about that!! doh..


Hopefully the dampers will be back on monday/tuesday so I can get it all finished, in the mean time it's time to take the exhaust primaries of so I can wrap them!! fun fun fun


Rob G


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