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Shift Lights - which one

Alex Wong1697456877

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Datatool - £40 on ebay, more lights than any other, waterproof - looks great value for money

Aces - expensive, but I like the flashing at shift point thing

Alpha - Similar price to datatool but less lights and uses half RPM for setting (? not very accurate)

Omex - expensive and looks a poor choice


Any opinions/experience out there?

I've tried the ACES one on other cars and it is very good, but expensive. The datatool one looks like a good alternative?

I have 4 lights on the stack unit but it's really too low with respect to my field of vision and I need to look away from the road to see it. I've packed the ratios so close together on my gearbox and as my new engine seems to be even faster than the old one, I think a sequential shift light in my field of vision would be a good idea




Edited by - Alex Wong on 13 Jun 2005 12:09:39

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I have the Aces, It was fitted to car when I bought it, looks really easy to fit, on my bike engine it simply has a supply to the unit, and 1 screened wire that goes to the +ve pulsed side of one of the coils to pick up engine speed, it has loads of functions like max revs on your run etc...etc... it may have been expensive for the previous owner but I really like it *thumbup*


'Pinky Pics' here

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I have the omex one, largely chosen on size


had excellent support from omex when setting it up as well *thumbup*


not had a problem in the 3.5 years it has been installed in the car, and it has been exposed to alot of elements and usage


just my 2p's worth


rob *thumbup*

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*thumbup* for Omex as well - it's a tiny unit which you can just stick to the top of the dash. Bright enough in full sun but not dazzling at night. Down side is that mine is hardwired to the control unit so I had to drill a big hole in the scuttle to get it through - covered by the windscreen rubber though so not an issue.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Alex just fitted the Omex to my HPC,( the black ali at curb last wednesday ) easy fitting to my car with VDO gauges, unit has three wires, red, blue,and black, fitted all to the VDO tacho connections, red to live, black to the earth, and blue to the tacho drive from the DTA ecu, I used piggy back connectors but they do supply scotchlock thingys, had to cut and rejoin the led module wire, this has six very small coloured wires, I threaded the wire through the hole that the heated windsceen wire goes through and have sited the unit on top of the scuttle at the back of the screen, easily set up with 100rpm steps in shift point and intervals between lights, it came with setting of 6000rpm, and 600rpm intervals, ie the first light on at 4200 then 4800, 5400, then red at 6000, I found this setting to low, have upped the shift to 6700, have left the intervals at 600rpm for now, before i cut the module wire I emailed omex to see if it was ok and they emailed back straight away, giving me wire colours etc, so good service *thumbup* bought mine from rallynuts online http://www.rallynuts.com/motorsport/product.asp?cat=&id=264 came next day. 😬


kevin R

black-ali HPC

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I've got the shift light from Webcon. Not laden with features but works as intended & excellent for the price.


Alpha - Similar price to datatool but less lights and uses half RPM for setting (? not very accurate)


I set the soft limit in the ECU to four grand & used this along with the half speed switch to set the light. Very happy with mine 😬

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this along with the half speed switch to set the light


I'm not (just *wink*) trying to pump-up the ACES, but I've never liked half-set systems.


It's rather imprecise at the best of times - and you are relying on the accuracy of the rev-counter (if I understand how they're set). Rev counters can be a good 500rpm out at the top-end (from reports and some slightly-fuzzy personal experience).


The ACES allows you to key-in a precise rpm with the engine off...


I've found the loom now, by the way Alex.


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Edited by - Myles on 13 Jun 2005 20:49:04

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