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Duratech Conversion...who?


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If I were contemplating a blackbird to duratec conversion (I've read all the pros and cons on here and think this works best for me) who would anoyne recomend to do the work as I have neither the time or skill to do it myself...?
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It'd be a shame to break a 'real' Blackbird. Wouldn't it be cheaper to sell it and buy a lesser (cheaper) engined car to convert? Remember that you'll need to buy a gearbox, change the diff, probably change the (rear) wheels etc. There won't be that much left...



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i know it seems silly... but its a nightmare trying to sell a blackbird, i've tried a twice, i rekon i'd get 16k for it, which is silly really given It's got all the bits i want (cage, bag tank, airbox, exhaust). I'm sure to build a duratech to the same spec would cost 30k plus... so surely i'm better off converting it for £10k?


i suppose another alternative is to buy a starter kit and swap over some of the better bits...

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The 7 Workshop did mine with a RaceCo engine, depending on the spec of engine 10k may or may not be enough to convert.


I guess you've got a fairly recent dedion chassis? either way it's a LOT of work to get it installed although it is getting easier.


I was in the same situation as you except my car had an Xflow in it, I think it's probably worked out ok for me with the conversion as to build a car with the bits I've got on mine would have cost loads.


Rob G


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My experience with the Duratec shows that £10k would definitely be on the light side. By the time you factor in the engine itself, alternator, starter motor, new sump, engine mounts, flywheel, clutch, bell housing, gearbox, exhaust system, ECU, loom, radiator, hose set, hydraulic master and slave cylinders for clutch, throttle bodies, throttle cable etc, etc, you are well over your proposed budget.


I would agree with Mark that you are better off selling the Blackbird and buying the one that's for sale.





R 417.39 😬


Edited by - BRENT CHISWICK on 9 Jun 2005 15:01:32

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good point... nice car, I'd still have to sell mine though. Also, by the time you add SLR cage+ fitting + new scuttle, Bag tank+ fitting, dry sump (dosen't say that on the ad.) bigger wheels etc. etc. you get close to 27 / 28k... it is a close call though, and probably a lot less hassle.
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yes you can get a new CSR for £28K but you'd have to build it yourself and it wouldn't include any luxuries such as paint *tongue* and more to the point any of the necessary track mods you listed, so you'd be in the region of £35K for a 200bhp tracked up CSR.


IMHO you should sell the Blackbird and get someone like FreeStyle (or Mick Attree) to build you a track spec 250bhp Duratec from a starter kit.


R400 Duratec Build and Modification Pictures here

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I see you're in Twickenham, not so far from me. If you want any advice or to see a Duratec car give me a shout. Worth noting that Raceline are in Guidlford which is fairly local to you as well.


BTW - Was it you and your Blackbird at the PHs Folembray trackday a couple of years ago 🤔




R400 Duratec Build and Modification Pictures here

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Hi Mike, that would be great. My car's on hols in my dad's garage in North Wales at the mo, but i'm plotting its return as we speak...


Yes that was me...good day that one...what were you driving?

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