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Foam seat problems


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I’ve made 3 sets of foam seats now and all have wound up shrinking by about 30% making them unusable and bl@@dy uncomfortable.

50/50 mix and well stirred. They come out of the bag fine. Nice and firm only for them to start to shrink within a 3 or 4 days after taping them with B & Q gaffer tape


I must be doing something wrong!


Any one any suggestions??





😬 183 BHP of black and stone chip excitement. 😬


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He has already had the pies! 😬

We are wondering if there could be a problem due to a reaction with the adhesive on the tape as one seat covered with "Elephant" tape has not shrunk in the same way.

It seems to be worse if you leave the seats in the sun for any length of time. 😳


Matt *cool* - see my car


Son of Oldbutnotslow


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Steve - I've e-mailed them and asked. Will post here with the answer




ps; mine coming along nicely, just a small amount of extra mix to pour in to try to get it all symetrical, but the basic seat is in place. Thanks for all the tips, which worked a treat.


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I would suggest increasing the isocyanate (the brown component) by 5 - 10 %. Do a couple of small cup tests to to see if there is an improvement.

The anaorak bit ? the polymer is not stiff enough to resist the natural shrinkage of the expansion gas during cooling, or some of the cells are not bursting to release the gas at full expansion (soft foams). Increasing the iso component should cover both these issues.

I would also pre-stir the other component to ensure that there is no separation of the mixture.

Temperature of the components might be a factor, follow the recommendations.

A bodge could be to inject air into the areas that have shrunk opening the cells, this however might result in a softer seat than you need. If the foam is fairly stiff this will not work.

Good luck and don't forget to wear the protective clothing.


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In the link it says


"Marcelo played with some left over products and mixed the two parts in different ratios then the one recommended by the manufacture and it turned out to work better"


................. if all else fails read the instructions 😬 😬 😬


Can we have Mike Bees' canoe story 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup*

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Ok, well they e-mailed me back with the following;


their manufacturer had recommended a 60%-40% mix. This created shrinkage, so they tried a 50%-50% mix, and that worked fine.


If you, like me, are using a product that is supposed to be 50%-50% mixed, this isn't particularly helpful!




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I had the shrinking problem on my second seat. The conclusion I came to was that the first seat Dave Jackson weighed out the two components 50/50 the second seat was done by volume and guess what the two components have different density/weight.



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Grant, I'd suspect the tape as well. I taped my seat only after a week or so - laziness on my part rather than any particular plan - and although it has now started to shrink its taken over a year......and we used exactly the same stuff/ mixed 50:50 by volume on your seat, so they should be the same.



Roadsports B

If everything's under control you're going too slow (Emmerson Fittipaldi)

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I can't see any reason why that wouldn't work - i've been letting my foam seat set and then incrementally adding little bits of mix, letting it set, etc.


I actually mixed my foam 50%/50% by weight, not by volume. It'll be interesting to see if it shrinks.




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