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HiSpec Ultralite 4-pots - early views


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Spent much of the afternoon fettling the brakes. I think I improved the runout slightly by rotating the disc 90degrees relative to the hub (tried all orientations, and although much-of-a-muchness, this one worked best).


The runout is on the hub (well, in the hub-disc facing) and I don't know what to do about it, if anything.


I sorted the squeel though - well, sort-of sorted it. I spoke to John Freeth at Performance Braking again on Friday and he sent me some stick-on material for the backs of the pads (the Mintex 1144s I had on previously had these factory-fitted).


They work perfectly - the only trouble is that I don't have enough clearance between the disc and pistons and so the pads (inner in particular due to a slight offset) aren't freeing-off the disc enough.


I took it out for a quick test to see if a bit of heat and pressure would allow the material to mould itself to the pistons (and therefore provide a bit more clearance), but it seems not to be...


...and the pedal started to go soft, so I'm assuming I've overheated the fluid through constant pad-drag. Gah!


Sooo, tomorrow will see me thinning the pads off yet again (I had to remove .5 to 1mm of material to fit them in the first place) - bit of an annoyance considering that the RS15s cost so much.



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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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  • 2 months later...

Myles - there is nothing wrong with the Pagids you are using the probel is that you are not using the brakes enough . You are running full race spec brakes on wooden road RE720's (?) on the road .


The pagids are a bit like you marrying realy fit female Gym instructor - you cant satisfy their needs so they start moaning , then protesting ......... I promise you that if you bed the pagids in properly and use them real hard with some decent tyres that can actaully use the added braking force ( I could easily lock all 4 wheels on RE720's with pagids at 120mph, with 48R's or ACB's they are great !) on track or competition they will not squeal .


Dont bin the pads , dont blame the pads , get some decent rubber and use the buggars *tongue* 😬 😬 *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*

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I fitted Hi-spec 4-pots on the front with std Sierra on the back. Used grippier pads on the front and std's on the back.


Also fitted a brake bias for the rear brakes.


Fronts are great even before first blead and bias is not in use at all yet.


Do not understand why you have problems. maybe there is air still in the front system??


Rgds *confused*



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When I converted to 4 pots the pedal travel was not the best.


After a few weeks I borrowed Foxy Smiths brake bleeding kit - the one that uses the air from the spare wheel. Thereafter, the pedal was as solid as a rock... just a thought but it might be worth a rebleed.



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 230bhp Sausage delivery machine

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Simon - the soft pedal has not been an issue for quite some time. It would appear it was due to:


i) Usual issues with bleeding a previously-dry system

ii) Duff std. MC (replaced with 'race' MC)

iii) Rubber anti-squeal shims


The only issue now (apart from a certain lack of bite when cold) is the noise...


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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