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Well....what happened at Curborough today


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We had a great day thanks with some great driving and lovely people. Weather was good.


Many thanks to our loyal helpers, Nick & Carolyn Addison, Don & Lorna Cheshire, Gary Furst, Steve & Julie Hill from the marshals club and our fantastic commentators who had lots giggling down in the paddock - Adrian Elkin, Guy (no nuts) Rossler and Nifty Styles who were occasionally aided by our Club Stewards Gordon Cardew and Kate Ollis, together with the track sweeping skills (found his niche there then!) of Graham Lyall.

Sorry if I've missed anyone out - we stopped at the pub for dinner on the way home and I'm tired but happy! *thumbup*


When I find the disk Ian our results man gave me I'll forward it to Graham tomorrow to post all the times.


Barbara *smile*



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results from memory


class 1

Matt Jenkins

Charles Fitzhugh



Mark Durrant

Richard Price

Rob Herring


class 3


Paul Dickens

Rob Margel


class 4

Andy Griffiths

Ken Evans



class 5

Antony Abbatiello

David Jackson

Darrell South



class 6

Brodie Branch

Jeremy Clarke








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Tony & Darrell's car was indeed a bit of a monster - had us gasping on the start line 😬


I didn't take many photos but here's a few:


Car 74 starting and the flame-liveried Cosworth returning


Peter Carmichael burn out


Nice angle of either Brodie or Jez lined up Can't tell which from the pic


Graham Ford ready for the off Carolyn on the chock


The biggest lines of rubber left during the day I think it was Tony but can't remember!


Nice low angle of Graham Ford again


Q469WET leaving the line


.... and there's something faintly rude about this mascot


And for good measure one of the Elise with the 7s lined up in the start area


Thanks for a great day all *thumbup* I now need to get myself an "I got sunburnt at Curborough" T-shirt to go with the Llandow one that I was wearing yesterday. My face seems to have gone beyond red and is kind of purple this morning! Ouch *eek*



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Nice pickies Nick *thumbup*

That one with the two black lines is a great photo....with the timing gear, the oil/cement dust, the track, the awning/people in the distance, and of course the two black lines - kind of sums up a large element of sprinting without even showing a car.


So who got the fastest speed trap time? Any interesting power results from the mobile dyno?


Wish I'd have gone now ☹️.


Must get the Gigabusa finished *smile*

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A great day out ... some amazing driving.

The BDT engined car of Anthony and Darrell made a gorgeous noise and was incredibly quick as, of course, were the usual suspects Dave Jackson, Graham Ford, Jeremy Clarke and Brodie Branch to name a few.

Unfortuantely, for spectators, commentators and competitors alike, there was no time and speed display. Though we could communicate the time over the PA we had no measurement of speed across the line *thumbdown* *thumbdown*

From a purely subjective observation from the commentatory box (judged by the occurence of the words "Bl%dy Hell!..followed by the realisation that I'd left my microphone on 😳) I'd have to say that the most likely contenders for fastest across the line were Anthony Abbatiello, Graham Ford and of course Brodie Branch.


There were some amazing performances outside of "the places" from many people but in particular I remember Peter Carmichael coming in after his first run to say he thought he was driving too smoooth and could better his time if he went through Paddock flatout and lived life on the ragged edge. Sure enough his second run followed this philosophy and I seem to remeber his time was not that far adrift from the times he was setting with his Super K engine!


The other noteworthy car was that of Alex Minchin.

Alex would be more appropriately named as Alex Mincing since he was taking things a little gently we felt, as he hasn't got to grips with his 243bhp 1900 K yet.

However, his speed over the line must have been in the top five and that was with a windscreen on *thumbup* *thumbup*


FTD went to Brodie with a time of 54.87 (if I remember correctly) ... a smidge outside his time last year of 54.7? with the Hayabusa car *thumbup* *thumbup* *thumbup*



I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to Mr Lyall for being the butt of a few on air jokes, but you did place yourself as a sitting target *tongue* *tongue*


I'd also like to apologise to all competitors I discriminated against .... I believe in equality for all and will be taking every opportunity in the near future to criticise and take the p155 out of those I missed yesterday.


Of course, should I be so luck as to get my car to venture outside Carrotland without some component failing then I hope to be showing you all just how to do it in August .. and if Gordy's given a stint in the commentary box then I'm in for a real hiding 😳 😬 😬 😬 😬


Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬




Edited by - Nifty on 15 May 2005 19:48:06

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Sadly we were without our regular timekeeper Alan Smith for this sprint but he'll be back in August thank heavens! Just made us realise how lucky we've been (and how spoiled you've been) over the years, he's done Curborough for us since about 1992/3 but he's a top grade MSA timekeeper who I think has done Grands Prix and does marathon timing and our event clashed with one of his huge regular events due to the dates falling differently for some reason.


We did not receive half the equipment/displays that were ordered (neither have the Marshals today!) we just had the timing gear and one printer in the paddock office where the results were being entered onto a computer, the commentators did a fantastic job having to receive all the times verbally by circuit phone in order to announce them whilst keeping a record of each practise and timed runs for comparisons. Huge thanks from us and well done chaps! *thumbup*


Needless to say we will be expecting a substantial reduction in our bill !!!!!!! *mad*


Barbara *smile*

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Hi All


Pleased to hear you all had A Great Day or rather days..... me sulking with a trapped nerve. ☹️ 😬. Not improved by taking Oily Rag to buy his first car yesterday, yet to be collected. So hopefully something good came out of missing out 😬


So who was the Academy car driver on the A3 with the roof up, no door and wearing a white crash helmet 🤔


We did slow down to wave. 😬 😬 😬


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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Just wanted to add my thanks to Barbara and Roger for organising a super day, it was nice to be back, if only for the one event for the time being.


Thanks too to Gordy, Karen and Nifty for spotting me at the petrol station on the way back and arranging refreshments.


'twas a splendid day. Oh, and the suntan has come along nicely too!





NN 😳

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Thanks to all the organisers of yesterday's event, I had a great time on my first event. Took home the fastest novice award too which I was chuffed about, although I think I was just the novice with the fastest car! Already want to go back as I was sure my last run was going to be my fastest... but then was slower.. (64.33 my best.) Will take sunblock next time I go though! Look like a lobster!


Thanks again all, a great atmosphere, loved it.



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*thumbup*Excellent weekend. *thumbup*


Congrats to all the podium finishers & of course to all the drivers that beat/met there personal targets over the weekend. *thumbup*.


& to Dave Jackson - just remind me. Which gear did you say again for 2nd loop 🤔 😬 😬




*thumbup* GrannY OrB TuneR *thumbup*

😳 Tweaker Of Fine Granny Orbs ! 😳

*biggrin* Superlight No: 170 *biggrin*


Edited by - GrannY OrB TuneR on 16 May 2005 11:39:11

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