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6-speed box, how "old" is old?

Ken Gibson

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Hello everybody, a blatchat virgin here...


I have just bought a 1995 1.4 K SS with a 6 speed gearbox.


I have been reading some threads recently which mention the weakness of the "earlier" 6 Sp gearbox.

Can anybody tell me if mine falls in the definition of "early" and what and when improvements were made.


Should I be concerned? can I upgrade the components which were modified?


I don't think there is a problem at present and I am most chuffed with the car - is this the start of 7 paranoia???


Half-man, half-matress...

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Yes, that's old.


You can get them uprated. Have a word with Phil Stewart at Road Race and he'll give you the numbers.


To be honest, if it's fine right now I wouldn't bother. Just make sure the oil level is kept up religiously and that you're using the correct oil (talk to Phil).


First thing to bugger up (if anything does) is likely to be the selector forks I think. This'll make it tricky to get into gear but you'll notice that early enough not to cause any other grief I should think.


One bit you might want to get sorted is the nose piece on the gearbox. These have been uprated and if they let go I think they can cause problems. Part doesn't cost that much but it's an engine/gearbox apart job.

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Andy is right. Phil Stewarts is the man to talk serial numbers with. Road & Race Transmissions are on 01959 525105 (from memory!)


The original front 'nose' section that carries the clutch release bearing is just aluminium and wears with (little!) use. The result is ridges that can create problems. Just down to poor design. The new section is basically the same, but the problem area has been turned down and a steel sleeve fitted. This is supposed to cure the problem. It's a fairly new 'fix' so I'm not sure of the long term consequences, but it SHOULD work as the principle seems right now!

Cost of this is about 45-50 UKP.


PS I have seen early 6 sp. boxes ie. 0004, 0006 etc. at Phils place in the scrap pile. Look for your number on the top bolt on section on a lozenge shaped plate.


Edited by - chris clark on 30 Oct 2001 21:44:41

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I have 6spd box no. 0011. I had Phil at R&R replace the selectors, a couple of synchro rings and most critically 5th gear which apparently has been known to grenade under relatively high torque loads. My VX lump was pushing approx 200bhp and Phil reckoned the work should be done just to be on the safe side.


E-mail me and I'll dig out the costs for you.


Steve Mell

PTM 88

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Thanks to all of you for the replies, this is better than an on-line Haynes manual!


The car is only showing 4800 miles on the clock at the moment and is not making any undue noise nor is the selection stiff.


So I guess if I monitor it closely and keep it topped up as Andy suggests I should make it last a fair while yet.


Thanks again, this is all great info.




Half-man, half-matress...

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Now I'm worried! Mine is obviously an old one as well.


Like I said on a previous thread, mine won't engage gear without the engine running but when it does, it's as sweet as a nut. Only problem is that it doesn't like down changes into 2nd.


Does this suggest that something should be looked at/upgraded?


Car has only done 8000 miles and has seen a lot of TLC

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