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Do I get stressed about high oil pressure

Geoff Johnson

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All engines run higher oil pressure when started from cold as the oil is much thicker when cold. What pressure does it run at when warm? Mine runs 75psi cold and about 50 psi warm. (I think)


I'd hazard a guess that nothing is wrong here but Blatman is right. The relief valves are known to stick open on Vx engines, which can lead to blown oil seals etc. Is this a new change or has it always been like this?

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I have had problems with my Vx engine Seven with high oil pressure readings, very much along the readings which you now relate. Oil pressure relief valve taken out more times than I care to remember and all seemed fine.


A few months back the engine blew off the oil filter at speed, depositing the contents of the sump all over the road and the car, and I really mean ALL over the car.....air flow and high and low pressure areas have a lot to answer for!!


All was cleaned up and put back together and at idle with cold oil all seemed fine.Good oil pressure...well back to 8 bar cold, which is what mine has always shown. More investigations over the winter.


Out of interest, does any VX owner know if there is a second 'release valve' in the oil filter head, in addition to that situated under the alternator?


Be warned and investigate......


Geoff, what does yours drop to, once warmed up?




Edited by - andrew russell on 31 Oct 2001 08:38:46

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The gauge has not always acted as it does now. I put the car in for a full service/check up before taking it down to Le Mans this year. When I set off (1st drive after the service) the oil pressure was nudging up towards the red when on the motorway & when the oil was still warming. When warm it drops down to the middle of the gauge.

After a few hundred miles the gauge was acting more normally, so I having checked the oil level I assumed that it had been slightly overfilled.

Some oil was used, but over the next few months no problems until I was suffering with noisy hydraulic tappets, having read on here that the dipsticks were not re-calibrated I put about another litre in & the tappet noise stopped, but bringing the car to work today (to do those doughnuts smile.gif smile.gif still smiling) notice that I appear to have my high oil pressure back.


As the oil system is 'open' I was hoping that too much pressure was not a drama, more a gauge mis-reading, thought I would open the post to check though



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You want around 65-70psi warm (not hot!)at above 3000rpm. Over this and you want to remove anc clean the valve.


If your car was refilled with Mobil 1 15/50 this could account for an increase in pressure, particularly when cold.


If it drops to 4 bar running at 3000rpm warm, this is OK.


More of an indicator of the problem is idle pressure. Did this rise after the service?






Fat Arn

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At idle the needle is about central in the gauge. Before service & oil change it was definately lower, I assumed that it was down to change in oil grade & once I realise that it was not going into the red at either end of the gauge (only just on the high pressure side) I decided not to worry about it. Having noted the regular referal to pressure relief valve & got the car out for a run for the first time in a couple of months I was feeling more unsure again today.




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Ok, I was paying more regard to the gauge last night instead of just registering it as high.

Cold start 6 bar, rising to about 8/9 up to 3000 ish revs. as it warmed that dropped to 5 bar at tick over, 6ish at 3000 revs & 8ish at about 7k smile.gif.


I am still unsure as to the type of oil



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Normally the blow-off valve wont operate until around 5 bar and it's unlikely ever to be operating at idle,so I wouldnt expect the idle pressure to be affected at all by a stuck valve. 5 bar oil pressure at idle seems unfeasibly high when hot, 3 bar is usually the maximum you would see. Is the gauge a capilliary one or electronic?, if electronic I would suspect the gauge or sender to be telling porkies.


Try swapping the gauge or sender ..



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