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Number Plate Location


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My front number plate has a habbit of falling off the nose cone every few months. I am thinking of getting normal number plate size stickies and putting them on one of the cycle wings at the lowest point facing the front, to avoid drilling the cone. Can I just do this or do I need to get some sort of "ok" from the MOD?



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I guess the MOD only need to be involved if you are going to fit armour and a bloody great gun. smile.gif


Why not just stick the number on the nose cone with a sel-adhesive. I know it's not strictly legal but I have had this style for years without any problems.

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All MOD activities now have to be approved by Donald Rumsfeld in the US DOD. This is part of the US "Blair in our pocket" program......


Surely you mean DOT???


I am a bit of a litiguous sod when it comes to flounting number plate law... so here goes...


The front number plate must be attached to the "first vertical surface" of a motor car.


As a Seven has no vertical surfaces on its leading edge ( the front of the nose cone is about 3 deg off vertical) this means you can put it anywhere where it can be easily seen and you'll get away with it.


The front wings are not wide enough for a 2 line number plate to fit with the obligatory 10mm boundary entirely visible from the front, so top of thenose it is. How you obtain a stick on plate since the Sept 1 legislation is confusing, but I reckon you cna buy the background from Halfords and visit a vinyl sign maker.


Be sure to comply with V796 and pretend your plates were manufactured before 1/9/01


Plates manufactured after 1/9/01 have to comply to the character spacing and sizes for the AB51ABC type plates.




Fat Arn

The NOW PROVEN R500 Eaterid=red>

See the Lotus Seven Club 4 Counties Area Website hereid=green>


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I bought a stick-on plate from a local motor factor. It even has a BS kitemark on it, and has a reflective background. I shortened it by a few centimetres to fit the nose cone better.


3 MOTs later, I have never had a problem, and never been pulled over.


Mind you, garage owner is friend of my father-in-law...





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I've seen 7's failed on their MOT for not having a vertical number plate of the correct size.


Easiest thing is to fit a motor cycle type "smaller" plate on the front with double sided tape and then add the correct plate over it for the MOT.


Getting the smaller plate is the hard part these days.



T 1 PPB - Superlight


"Well yes officer I'm not arguing, it's just that [insert excuse here]..."

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I have had a stick on number plate on the nose cone for the last 11 years. I replaced it earlier this year (September). The new one came from Holdens (www.holden.co.uk).

Never had any problems with MoT's or the law over it.


Dave H

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