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Accusump - yes? No?


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*thumbdown*Because Mick Smith's engine died when he was running one.


It is a splendid bodge that cures a symptom, but doesn't solve the problem. I don't like them. The Apollo tank is a better solution for modestly powered cars. There is no substitute for a dry sump for higher powered cars.


When did you last hear of a modestly powered wet sump K going pop with bottom end failure?

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Apart from the ensuing cost when the engine goes pop, why does a high-powered engine need a dry sump more than a low-powered one? Lack of oil pressure will trash the mains & big ends in either. I'm horrified when I read peoples reports of how there gauge drops to x bar on y corner. Ask Oily (RIP) about the state of some of the engines he's had apart.



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It's not a separator - it acts as a pressurised reservoir of oil - when the pump momentarily falters, it dumps it's contents into the system - it is just simply tee-ed into the oil system on the pressure side of the pump - (with an apollo you would have to fit it downstream and use a check-valve to stop it back filling the apollo tank).


It obviously can only supply oil for as long as it holds oil - so the bigger ones can do more for longer. It's obviously not as good as the full dry sump system - but then again it's nowhere near as expensive, even the pressure controlled ones. It's not even as expensive as the Helier baffle plate and it seems to be well thought of over this side of the pond. A mate back home in the UK with a seriously tuned Integrale swears by them - has had no problems on extended 'Ring circuits since fitting one.


As for the apollo (which I have) I understood it only de-aerates the oil - if the pump sucks air, the system delivers no oil, never mind frothy oil . . . if there is no pressurised flow in, there can't be any out?


I just wondered why from a previous thread about oil pick-ups there may be a problem with them within the Seven community . ..



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