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Finalizing specs on new SV

Jim E

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Gentlemen, after an absence of 15 years from owning a Caterham I've decided to get a new one again. I've already received a lot of good information and advice from the Caterham dealers in Arizona, Texas and Colorado (and from browsing these forums) and I've settled most of the specifications, but I'm still seeking advice on a few of them.


What I've got so far is this:

Roadsport SV

220HP Zetec SVT

5-speed gearbox

Aluminum flywheel

4-pot caliper 10" front discs

Adjustable spring seats

4-point harness

Cloth seats (probably)

Fixed steering wheel


The car will not be used for track work.


The questions I have are these:


1. Color: I'm almost certain I'm going for Caterham Yellow, but I've been unable to find a physical sample to look at and I don't trust online photos for color accuracy. However I'm originally from the UK (despite my Americanized spelling) and I'm familiar with the color of British rear number plates. Several photos from the UK suggest that Caterham Yellow is fairly close to this - is that so?


2. Steering wheel: I just don't like the feel of the Momos - too hard, and I don't like the flat outer diameter. Does anyone have strong feelings for or against a 260mm Motolita or Racetech? For that matter, does anyone have a photo of a 260mm Motolita?


3. Wheels and tires: After corresponding with Rocky Mountain Sports Cars in Colorado and browsing these forums I think I'll go for 15 x 7 Minators and 195 x 15 Avon CR500s. I'm not too concerned about the lifespan or replacement cost of the tires, and I want something that will do justice to that 220HP while still allowing me break the back end away in a controllable and repeatable fashion. Does anyone see anything tragically wrong (or comical) with the Minators and Avons?


Thanks for your time, and of course any other insights or comments would be welcome as well.


Jim E.

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I'd probably go for an LSD too, especially if you want to be able to have the back end break away, repeatedly and controllably - although where you are likely to do this other than a race track is questionable *tongue* 😬 *cool*
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Mav, I could certainly live with the 10-spoke anthracites, but I prefer the more classic Minilite look if I can get them in the right size.


On breaking the back end away, I have fond memories of driving my live axle Super Sprint 1700 around Edinburgh and Scotland in the late 80s, and for about a year here in Houston. Being able to make the back end step out on a roundabout, then holding it there for one or two laps while talking to my passenger (an off-duty police officer in one case) is just one of those experiences that I want to enjoy again. Granted, there aren't so many open roads where you can enjoy that kind of driving without risking your license, but when the opportunity does present itself - ah, me-oh-my!


I'm thinking about the LSD. To be honest I don't recall having many situations in the 1700 where I would have benefited from it, but I guess there's a big diffeence between 135HP and 220HP, eh?


Jim E.

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Caterham Yellow has one 'major' disadvantage in the UK - but YMMV in the 'states...


...it attracts flies in swarms during the summer...


I'm not sure what kind of flies - so you might be OK.


To give an indication how bad it can be, I was marshalling on the startline at the MIRA sprint a year or so ago - it's a downhill start, so I had my back to the cars as they rolled up. I could tell when one of the yellow cars was next without looking... Clouds of insects appeared as if by magic... *smile*


Project Scope-Creep is live...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Caterham's std yellow is an 'orangy yellow'.


Send me your email to my home email & I'll forward you pics:




I'll send you a picture of my SV which has been painted MG Trophy yellow. It's still a solid but is a much much brighter yellooooooooowwwwwwwwww.




Emerald Isle's 1st SV 148lbft @ 6091rpm/182bhp @ 6690rpm engineered for low revs

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Myles, the bugs over here can be pretty bad as well (although at least in Houston I've never seen them anything like as persistent as the midgies in Scotland).


Now that you mention yellow and flies it rings a bell from somewhere. The odd thing is that you can buy light bulbs over here as bug repellants, and they're yellow. Nothing fancy - no UV or anything like that - just ordinary light bulbs with a yellow coating. Maybe sunlight reflected from a yellow surface and yellow light radiated from a glowing filament are completely different animals?


Jim E.

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Timbo, thanks for the information, and I'll take you up on your offer. My e-mail address is ellis@ecosseinc.com.


Egg-yolk yellow is about what I'm after (although the marketing guys would probably use a different analogy).


Jim E.




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One day soon (do you mind if I call you ODS?), I don't know if or when the CSR will be available in the US. You're right though, I do prefer the look of the existing 7s. Externally the CSRs look fine and I've got no problem with the technical advances, but the interior does nothing for me even if it does allow for safety advances like energy-absorbing sterring wheels, etc.


Also, I'd heard that Caterham want to push up the price of their cars in the US in the near future, partly because of current exchange rates. Add that to the already bumped-up CSR prices and I'd have a hard time justifying it to myself if it did become available. The SV will have more than enough Go, Stop, Turn and Looks for me.


Jim E.

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Momo wheels come in two flavours, one has a round cross section rim the other is "anatomical" ie is shaped to maximise grip. If you think the outside is too flat then perhaps that was the anatomical? The round section may well suit you better. Racetech wheels are very flimsy, if you grasp the top of the wheel in the middle it will wobble in and out with hardly any force, very offputting! Motolita is too "classic" looking for me but tastes vary obviously. I'd go for Momo suede anatomical every time.
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Chelspeed, thanks for that information. I'll look at Momos again more closely and find some locally for another hands-on test.


I've seen similar remarks elsewhere in the forum about the Racetech wheels. Most of the comments in that regard were negative, although one person said that according to Racetech the yield in the top wheel section was intentional and a safety feature: it acted as a cushion when your head hit it. Yes, well, hmm... Maybe a pillow tied to a Momo would do that too?


Jim E.

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Mav, I'm not sure about that curvy dash thing. Even if it is an option I think the exposed tubes on the center tunnel are part of the frame itself, so I don't see there being much wiggle room to change that particular look. I'll have to look back through the various press releases and other info. Anyway, I still think the price on a CSR in the US will be unattractive to me.


Jim E.

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RE: LSD... in my book that is a MUST.


I have a 140bhp SV and really miss an LSD. Getting sustained power slides going is a lot harder/impossible without one. They are a bit nosier and introduce some shunt into the drive line, but I would not be buying a SeVen without one!!

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Neil, you just need more finesse. *tongue* *tongue*


Suggest you get some training - one company are finalising a deal with a circuit to do some wet 'skidpan' style handling activities. 😬

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PS timbo - large attachments are no problem. One of the things I sometimes take for granted over here is the easy access to a great infrastructure. I've got 3Mb/sec DSL access for $37/month (call it 20 pounds); if I cared to use cable TV I could have internet access over it at 6Mb/sec for the same price. Mind you, from what I hear people in South Korea and major cities in Japan get 50Mb/sec or even 100Mb/sec for about the same price. Now THAT is Caterham 7 internet access.


Jim E.

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Neil, I'm sorely tempted by that LSD, I must admit. I just don't have any experience with and without one, and I honestly never missed it in my 135HP Super Sprint, even on those "twice around the roundabout with a touch of opposite lock" jaunts. I'm considering one now mainly because it might help me avoid smoking an inside tire too badly with 220HP when pulling out of a junction.


Jim E.

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Dobuy, nice car. Asymmetric seats, eh?


When I worked In Saudi about twenty years ago I spent a lot of my spare time working on my Apple II computer and learning how to program it. That was probably some of the most productive spare time I ever spent, although knowing now that you built a Caterham in Dubai - oh well, maybe next time around.


Jim E.

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timbo, one of my replies seems to have gone AWOL. Thanks for the pics. I'm going to close out the color question now and go for Caterham Yellow. Damn the torpedoes and bugs - full steam ahead.


Jim E.

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This summer I upgraded my car from a 120hp crossflow to a 190hp Duratec. I never really missed having an LSD with the crossflow, but traction became a huge issue with the Duratec, so I installed one at the end of the year. The LSD was a great addition and has made the car a lot more fun to drive. Highly recommended!




Throttle Steer

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