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Paulo, I thought I was bad enough but how the hell did you get gear oil on the sofa?


At least when I put the engine, gearbox and all the ancillaries in the bar I put plenty of paper down first. (still got oil on the carpet but it's my room and if I want an oily carpet so be it)


Norman Verona, 1989 BDR 220bhp, Reg: B16BDR, Mem No 2166, the full story here

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How do I calm her down?


Laughed out loud 😬


Did some research on your behalf. Mrs Locust says give it about 5 years, she will calm down.............................................eventually. *mad*


Points to note:


1. At this time presents=good, cars=bad (therefore spend wisely and avoid car related presents)

2. Be prepared for this to be used as ammunition in domestics for........well, forever actually





Green and Silver Roadsport 😬


Edited by - Mr Locust on 1 May 2005 22:18:19

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It's calmed down a bit since last night......




I had checked the oil level and there were a few drops on the garage floor, that I rolled in, as you do. I then went into the house to sort the kids out, a problem with the choice of telly programme and then stupidly I SAT DOWN, not for long, but long enough for the transfer of that satanic juice to take place. If there is anybody to blame it's the fault of BOB THE SPONGE.......

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Reminds me of a similar experience I had when I was 16 - I used to have a Mobylette moped that needed to have the 2 stroke oil mixed with the petrol when you filled up - none of this oil pump nonsense that you got on FS1E and AP50s.


For convenience I used to keep the bottle of oil in the site pocket of my Belstaff wax jacket. Got home from school one day and threw the jacket on the bed (as teenagers are wont to do) but didn't realise that the top of the oil was loose) - Result 2 stroke oil running down the bed (soaked into the materess) and onto the carpet.


As you can imagine my Mum went ballistic and I spent hours trying to clean it up - but at least it smelt better than gearbox oil.


By the way reading an earlier thread about Catrol R type smell, I was passing a model shop in Belfast and bought some glowfuel as suggested and I can confirm that a small amount in the petrol tank of the lawnmower leads to a smell just like Castrol R when mowing the lawn!

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If it smells of cats p1ss, blame the bloody cat! 😳


If you haven't got a cat, say that the neighbours must have crept in and p1ssed on your sofa when you were out!


NEVER take the blame when there's some pesky critter that could do that for you! *biggrin*


Ash Bailey. MISSION ABORTED - Gone for a pint! *tongue*

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