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Jan T

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I am stuck in deepest Kent (Hawkhurst and miles from S London) and my 1.8VVC will not start.I turn on the ignition, press the starter button and nothing happens, I can hear a click in the ECU and the electrics are live ie indicators and dials function.

Any ideas gratefully received.



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Are you sure you can hear a click from the ECU, it could be a click from the starter (overcooked) solenoid. Let everything cool down & try again. Check the ECU fuse as this can blow if you keep trying a dead starter. If everything is OK try a push start.


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Sounds a bit like the problem I had on my 1.8SS in its early days. It's worth checking that the solenoid connection isn't a dry joint (it tends to get a bit overcooked after a hard run). If so, the permanent solution is get a fly-lead fitted, but in the meantime, try wiggling the solenoid power lead where it enters the starter, and then hit the starter button.



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Now this is a bit embarrassing....whilst I was in the pub some 'kind' person turned the Ignition cut off key which I had stupidly left in place. Ooops....thanks to those who replied and sorry to a bit of a p**t.


PS lesson learnt

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I sent Caterham the starter, and they did the job under warranty. I can't remember now what the original (that is, Rover) connection was like, but basically, they replaced the terminal post (which had the dry joint) with a soldered-in lead of about 10" or so, and returned the starter to me. I simply connected the new lead to the existing power lead with a spade connector. No trouble since.


I recall Len Unwin saying at the time that it was a known problem with Rover starters, which rather begs the question as to why Caterham didn't modify mine as a matter of course before shipping me the kit! Maybe later cars get the mod automatically....



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I had a new starter fitted in 1999 which is termed a "geared starter". Now Caterham standard issue I understand & very different from the original Ford part, although it suffers from the same malady when cooked! Was it this starter that Caterham modified?


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Well, I've now had a look at the starter but I can't tell what type (or even make) it is without taking it out. There are no obvious part numbers or codes visible. I've always assumed it was a Rover item, but from what you say, it's more likely to be Ford? Presumably, therefore, the flywheel and clutch assembly are both Ford as well? I know from recent bitter experience that the CRB is Ford!



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just to let you all know ( and remind you, jan ), this only happened because jan and i sat in his conservatory the other day, chatting about how basically reliable 7s are if well looked after.


uh oh....


we're going away this weekend in the x flow....



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