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Car Covers

Jon B

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Hi all


Looking for a fairly decent car cover, tailor made for the 7. I've called "specialised car covers" who say they do a waterproof/breathable cover that can be used outside and inside.


I want a cover for my SLR for the winter months when it's in the garage (which is slightly damp) and feel a waterproof breathable cover is the best to go for.


Has anyone had experience of the "specialised" product. Does it fit well on a car with cycle wings?


Does anyone have any suggestions for other covers. Price from specialised = £200 delivered

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Our esteemed LF Editor-in-chief, M Roger le Vert has (I believe) a Cover Systems Se7en-sized one, which we borrowed for a friend who was trailering to the 'Ring earlier in the year. It kept the car completely dry through all manner of inclement weather en route thumbsup.gif


They are based in Rushden, Northants. In-garage ones between £50 and £95. Outdoor ones for around £100

Tel: 01993 410851


Hope this helps


FH teeth.gif


Arghhh, beaten by the Bafty one wink.gif ... same sentiments - must be good smile.gif


Edited by - fullharness on 26 Oct 2001 12:15:27

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I just keep my 7 stored in garage with cheap and cheerful cover which I bought at the Lotus show......same firm sell these at many other shows too......cost £40. I looked at the £200+ covers but invested in a de-humidifier at the same price.....keeps car dry as a bone with no signs of rust whatsoever for 5 years.


Kenny HPC



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I would echo the warning about covers indoors because of the lack of air circulation to take away condensation due to changes in temperature and doubly echo the use of a de-humidifier. An excellent piece of kit. Though I don't use it for the 7 'cos the garage is dry it stops mould and stuff in other outbuildings etc.
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Interesting point you raise about garage being dry........I had mine built with double walls etc. and proper roof and atatched to house, I thought it would be bone dry but noticed tools going rusty etc...I assumed that's from the gap on the roll over door. Couldn't believe it when I put the de-humidifier in there, it takes out a gallon a day in winter. For an experiment I put it in living room which I would have classed as "tinder dry" and I was gobsmacked that it still filled its tank in a week....you'd wonder how that could happen.


Kenny HPC



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Sorry to be a house anorak but....


Even in living rooms that you would think is bone dry there are lots of sources of moisture vapour. If you have a gas fire then water vapour is a large by product of the combustion of natural gas. Also if you allow breathing in your living room, this also provides a large source of water vapour.


Hints & Tips:


Don't allow breathing in your living room except at weekends and on special occasions and try not to use any gas fire unless the snow is banked up against the windows.




Make the world a better place, hug an estate agent

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The problem with the de-humidifier is that the it will, if asked, remove ALL humidity. The reality is that the air inside your lounge is probably at 60-70% (or somesuch) because without it you'd get nosebleeds and sore eyes etc as your various membrannes dried out.


Really you don't need no humidity to stop rust but low enough to stop long term condensation and ventilation to remove it when it does form. The higher the humidity the more ventilation you'll need to take away excess moisture that will condense as the temperature changes.


This is the principle of the carcoon I think.


My garage is water tight but nowhere near air tight and hence the ventilation stops the rust (at least I havn't noticed much rust)


That is the reason I don't put a dehumidifier in there, it'd be forever trying to dry out the planet !


If I had a pretty air tight garage that was giving rise to condensation and rust, I'd put one in set at 50% or something to cure it.


I think it VERY important to get one with a humidity control, few quid extra, well worth it I assure you.


Cheers, Simon.

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I've had my 7 for six years now, for the first 4 i tried covers etc, but none really worked. Two years ago i bought a Carcoon, it is excellant. No more condensation, no dust on the car and because of the thick plastic, a useful barrier to inadvertant scratches. It might be expensive, but you only buy it once.



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I considered a Carcoon but eventually settled on a de-humidifier partly because it not only keeps the cars dry and rust free but also my fairly extensive tool kit not to mention, bicycles, sons model aircraft engines, radio control gear, exercise machines, etc, etc.


Try getting all that lot into 1 Carcoon!


The real BC smile.gif

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Stuck record I know but I echo the Carcoon recommendations.

My garage is an old stable with a soakaway in one corner and VERY damp.I bought a carcoon 4 years ago when I got my 7 and despite up to 5 months storage in a bad winter ( I live in the North York Moors ) it keeps the car dry as a bone.Conventional covers just lock the moisture in. And the time is coming for mine to hibernate- but after a 150 mile drive across the North Pennines this afternoon I'll be happy for a few weeks I think

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Re. carcoons... 7 fit the small one and if you phone them they regularly sell ex. demo's at a vastly reduced rate (I posted this last year i think...) my brother and i have a selection of them for toys and are all excellent... If you get a big un it'll take the garage as well!
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Gotta have my say - Carcoons are brilliant. Much cheaper to run than a dehumidifier and keep the car clean and protected from accidental knocks. (Dad, can I get this out please - whoops! Sorry Dad!) Bit of a fag to 'erect' but you soon get the knack. I've got their battery mate as well which is (tempting fate here) also very good at keeping the pathetic 7 battery in good nick. All in all - they are money well spent as long term you avoid the usual deteroration of storage in cold damp garages.




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