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Tyres , inevitably

john aston

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Currently have 32Rs.Long road trip- 1500 miles-planned in May.Am intending to buy set of Toyo Proxes T1s - good reports, good in wet(Scotland is the destination ) etc.Any reason why not ?

Had pileups before and whilst happy to sacrifice some grip I do not want to revert to that level of ghastliness - Toyos much better ,yes ?

Also- 32Rs go back on when I return.I have never been comfortable about rotating tyres on Seven- the one time I tried it the whole car felt wrong- they were the aforementioned pileups but were even worse than before.But my rear 32Rs are nearly sh*gged whilst fronts seem to last for ever by comparison. Should I rotate them ?

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Can't comment on the Toyos but why don't you try Yokohama A021R? These are excellent in the wet but will sacrifice very little dry grip (on the road) over the A032R. They are a nice sticky tyre but you should get a few thousand road miles out of them. I wouldn't recommend dry trackdays on A021Rs as they go off quickly.

As far as rotating tyres goes, probably a good idea if done regularly but swapping worn our rears on to the front is not going to be a great move. Probably best to replace the rears.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I've had no problems rotating tyres front to back. However... (and apologies if I'm stating the obvious)


Some people have a wider rear tyre. Would not recomment that you swap these.

If your rear tyres wear out quicker than the front and you are happy with A032rs then you should be able to stick with these. However, you may have to go to A048rs if A032rs fall into short supply.





1400 Supersport with 6 gears and clamshell wings *smile*

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