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Have been following the Nitron thread and have a few questions:


Does anyone know roughly what spring rates Freestyle use in their "Road/Trackday" spring and damper kit. I was planning on having that fitted to my Superlight along with an adjustable front anti-roll bar. I already have the overslung adjustable rear ARB - what setting should I run that on?

My current setup is Bilstein dampers with the standard progressive rear springs, standard SL fronts (AFAIK and whatever they are!) and a green (18mm) ARB (probably way too stiff!). What sort of changes to the handling should I expect from the Freestyle kit? Would a Nitron set up be noticeably better (certainly more expensive)?

I drive a lot on road and do 4-5 track days a year. The car is a 1997 model and the springs/dampers have seen better days. I'm not an experienced track driver (drive in beginner or intermediate group depending on whether I have visited the circuit before) so don't really know where to start on getting a car set up for me. At the moment I probably wouldn't get the benefit of the "perfect" setup but would like to start down the road of adjusting the car's setup to learn how the changes feel. I think my car is predominantly understeering at the moment especially on track. To complete the info, my car is 1.6K SS and running 185/60R13 Yoko A048R.



Yellow SL *cool* #32


Edited by - Shaun_E on 21 Apr 2005 11:07:38

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I've not seen any bad comments about the Freestyle setup. However you could start out with some cheaper improvements which would not be wasted if you decided to do more Freestyle stuff later.


This sort of thing is all very subjective, so you'll get different views from different folks, but initially I would suggest getting some 250lb/in front springs (stock SL are 150lb/in) and a Freestyle adjustable front anti-rollbar. Set the rear anti-rollbar on softest-but-one. Set the rear ride height so the radius arms are almost horizontal (slightly higher at the front than at the rear - this gives you a small amount understeer-quelling rear-wheel-steer).


Other folks will suggest junking the standard progressive rear springs, although I can't say that I noticed a great difference when did that (although I didn't go super-stiff on the rear).


I suspect that the Freestyle springs are in the order of 300lb/in front (possibly even stiffer) and 150lb/in rear, but I don't know.



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Freestyle make a business from suspension knowledge. The spring rates used on their kits ahve been developed by them as part of this business , I consider it rather inpolite to ask on a public forum the information that a company has earned itself .


As mike says , 250>300 fronts and 130> 170 rears is in the ballpark of what others have found to provide good handling .


The question of which dampers vs cost vs benifit realy depends if you feel you can drive the car to the last 5% to gain benifit from a particular setup .

In general adjustable dampers and appropriate spring rates should provide you with a sharper handling car , crisper turn in , improved stability , better braking and more comfortable ride on the road .





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Mike - thanks.

Dave - point taken. I don't really need to know what the absolute values of the Freestyle setup are but would like some re-assurance that they are in the same range as others are suggesting and that they will be suitable for a driver such as myself.

I've been following numerous threads on suspension setup and understand the consensus is around the figures you suggest. I doubt very much whether I can drive the car to the last 5% hence my questions.

My current springs and dampers almost certainly need replacing so I just want to make sure that any replacement I choose is an improvement with the potential to make adjustments as I (hopefully) become a better driver.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I'd echo Dave's comments on the AVO's I've upgraded from the Bilsteins and on Road and Track they are far superior


I've no idea what the spring rates are


fwiw I'm ruinning the adjustable bar front and rear and both are on full soft at the moment.









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Mark - have you got the road front ARB or the race version which has a stiffer range? When I spoke to Len the other day they didn't have the softer version in stock so I'd have to start with the race one. Is your rear ARB a Freestyle item or the original CAterham one? I have the original Caterham one.


Yellow SL *cool* #32

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I don't think there's much wrong with the standard Bilstein dampers and although they can be improved upon, at a price, I don't think they are the limiting factor.

Why don't you try stiffer front springs as most suggest but be aware that this could well add to your understeer problem. It will however make the front more responsive to steering input making it feel more direct.

To reduce the understeer you need to lower the front ride height or raise the back and perhaps experiment toe in/out and think about a softer front arb.

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Rear is the underslung Freestyle one, very neet and get's rid of the problem on earlier chassis of the drop links rubbing on the tyre walls


Front was on the car so no idea! I think it is a 'Juno' which if I'm right they were sold as before Freestyles existence *confused*



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I also switched from standard Bilsteins to a Freestyle/AVO set up with adj. front anti-roll bar. Gary flat floored the car. Like Mark and Dave I am VERY pleased with the set up. 😬 *thumbup* I am running 048's too and combined with the Freestyle kit cornering is fantastic.




Edited by - Gavin on 21 Apr 2005 12:10:13

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