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Little Cook factoid

Boonie Hound

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For those Cbeebies fans out there - has anyone noticed how irritatingly catchy the big cook, little cook tune is


But my factoid for today is Daniel Wright, who plays Little Cook, was in last years snack-attack advert playing the teenage girl who eats the crisps and gets picked up be her mum, 'like, whatever'. There you are - impress your friends.


And by the way - is it me or is the blonde Cbeebie presenter, not to mention the Tikkabila one, quite attractive.


It's official R400 fancies Mrs Hoolie from Balamory - Mrs B accused him of getting the same hapless smile on his face when she appears as I do when Cat Deely is on the telly.....that's ma boy.

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Start 'em young, that's wot I say *thumbup*



On a similar note (sort of) - bumped into most recent ex-girlfriend the other day - her husband writes lyrics etc -


His latest work is composing the words & music for PC Plum on Balamory!!! 😳


Imagine that!



Oh, and yes, Boonie, she IS tidy *wink*


Sssssscottish SsssuperSsssnot!

Ssssneakypeek! *arrowright* whooooaaaa! *wink*

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It's official R400 fancies Mrs Hoolie from Balamory


He'll have to get in line behind PC Plum, but her heart is for Archie. Pity he's gay.


I assume you're referring to the bird on Tikkabilla who can't sing. (As for Tikkabilla, what is that, a suburb of Sydney or a curry?)

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Hmmm Boonie..lets see. Seats four adults, has built in child seat, ample bootspace for lets say a hound of some sort as well as shopping etc...oh and should still do a ton fifty ! against seating for two uncomfortable adults (or two comfortable elves !) and space for.......OH THATS IT *eek* not forgetting stability problems after say a ton !


Can of worms anyone

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I'm currently very cross with Sven Bloodaxe, the family-haulin', dump-visitin', mileage-swallowin', accident shruggin', stereo blastin', luggage devourin', tyre eatin', petrol drinkin' Meldrew household Viking beserker T5. He needs new wishbone bushes at a huge cost (mostly being paid by Volvo after I was forced by their intransigence to get needlessly shouty and arsey with them) after 35000 miles and three years. How many of the things do Surrey Police get through with 'em?


Still, it's always fun to show your L7CGB sticker on the back window to a mid seventies Ferrari from the lights. Pity I don't have a labrador in the back to slobber at them too, just to rub it in. 😬 Nailing middle aged losers on Harleys off roundabouts is also good for a laugh, especially when they clock that you've not only blown them off with a Volvo estate, but done so with two kids and a heap of offspring paraphenalia in the back.


Just don't think I'm going to have another one.

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