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Weber 45 float height shut -off.


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The 45 Weber carbs on my race x-flow are inclined about 12degrees from the horizontal,(used to run on TBs) which I know is far from ideal. Weber state that they should be a max. of 5degrees. The float shut off height should be 7.5mm when the carbs are in their preferred horizontal position, but can anyone tell me if I ought to re-set the height to allow for the extra few degrees, and if so by how much.


Has anyone experience of carb flooding when too far inclined ?


Many thanks,



Edited by - cdg on 17 Oct 2001 00:13:58

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Just a thought but I had a flooding / progression problem.

If running an elec fuel pump (at the power we are talking you will be) you need a pressure reg. It is surprising that

I have to run my pressure reg on 1.5 or 2 on a scale of 5 to prevent flooding /

poor pick up / progression.


The flow test shows that the Webcon pump will give plenty for max throttle for ages and ages...

VX on 45's, were on 40mm chokes, now 38mm.


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Many thanks for your replies chaps.


My x-flow is an all-steel 180bhp Connaught,uses a red-top Facet pump(still reliable!) and I have just fitted a Malpassi regulator as I was less than happy with the American affair it originally had. I set the pressure using a professional gauge to 3lb, but one of the carbs seems to be flooding,(fuel seeping out of the starter circuit cover) and the engine will not run cleanly, if at all!


I suspect the float shut-off height, or perhaps the needle valve, but as the carbs are inclined at 12degrees I was wondering if the float heights need to be corrected to allow for the steeper angle. I seem to remember John Noble doing this to a fellow customers car a few years ago.



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Oh yes, the floats.


The official float heights for the Webers are 8mm (round brass floats) and 14mm (black plastic floats). If you use the settings for the wrong type of floats you will be in the sticky and smelly.


It is quite common to vary the heights a little. Typically people use 12 - 13mm for the plastic variety.


These figures are for the float height when the needle valve has JUST shut. The little spring loaded ball in the needle valve must NOT be compressed. It is easiest to do this by holding the carb top vertically with the float pivot at the top.


Note that the height is with the gasket in place.


It is quite common for the older brass floats to become punctured and fill with fuel. This creates merry hell with the fuelling and should be checked. The black floats are made of a sort of rigid plastic Aero Bar and are therefore unpuncturable to all intents and purposes.


Fuel pressure will ideally be 3 - 4psi.


I've never tried to run Webers at 12 degrees, so you'll have to experiment, but is sounds less than ideal. Are you unable to machine the manifold to a more acceptable angle?

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Thanks Roger!


Just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons...


I have just checked the brass floats- no leaks. However, the shut off height on the right hand carb was 10mm; left hand carb 8mm. The floats at full droop were 18mm right, 21mm left!! Needle valves are not at all worn and are seating correctly. I have tried jacking up one side of the car so that the carbs are horizontal, but it seems to have made no difference to the problem.


I give up- where's my cheque book?!



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