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ARGH! Handbrake issues


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I'm going to fail my MOT next w/e - no doubt about it.


I failed it last year on the handbrake - and only made it through on the retest due to an oversight - I had my foot on the footbrake to give me some leverage to apply the under-dash lever...


I've tried to do it properly this time - slackened off the cable so that the arms go onto their stops, pumped the brakes a few times/wound the pistons back, readjusted...


No-joy. I can still push the car forward with the handbrake applied.


Any bright ideas???


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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idea 1


go to garage with really fat MOT tester and offer to sit in the car


idea 2


The brakes on the back of a seven look identical to audi calipers from about 1990 vintage what i did with my audi to pass the test was to take caliper off and push the clyinder in and then wind it out so it just clears the pads then the pathetic little cam thing inside can grip the discs hard enough to pass an MOT


Sod the heater wheres my shades

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The MOT tester was quite keen to drive the car onto the rollers last-year...


I've booked two sessions back-to-back as I will be going with another 7. Mebbe I should let the other 7 go first (he has an LSD) and then (perhaps) the tester will allow me to do a road brake-test instead (handbrake can't be tested from the cockpit... only one seat...)


I'd prefer to get the damned thing working though. ☹️


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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There was a post about this suggesting that replacing the cables is the answer, apparently they lose their elasticity with age (tell me about it *wink*)


Whatever you do, make sure you note exactly how it goes together before taking it apart (see Se7enUp's post for the sad story).


R500 driver. Oh all right. I have a Taylormade R500 Driver in my golf bag 😬

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When you had the cables disconnected from the caliper did you pull the handbrake lever? Was there much drag in the cables/lever mechanism? That would be worth checking.


The rear calipers used to hold a whole Sierra on a 30% incline - they should do a Caterham with plenty in reserve.


If you're still having trouble give me a ring and we'll have a look together. If you don't have my number anymore drop me an email and I'll ring you.



Justin *cool*


A closed mouth gathers no foot.

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Thanks Justin - I'll ring you tonight if I still have your number.


I didn't test the drag/mechanism with the cables slackened off - but I'm definitely getting movement at the actuator arms. I'm guessing the mechanism isn't resetting fully.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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try to make it before 7:15pm as I'm off out tonight. If the weather holds off I may even take my recently finished Se7enesque car *tongue*



Justin *cool*


A closed mouth gathers no foot.

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Slightly off topic but the technique of holding your foot hard on the brake and applying the hand brake lever is done every day many times at MOT testing stations by the ministry when doing HGV semi-trailer MOT's. Its usually the only way you can get the cable operated mechanical handbrakes to pull on hard enough on those, so I wouldn't be to worried about doing it on the seven. Agree with the others though, the calipers should be easily capable of holding a seven if they can hold a Sierra so it needs looking at.
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Just had an mot and yes, failed on the handbrake,calipers apart for a check over, all ok, seems a lot of travel in the handbrake so start looking for a way of adjusting it up.........i might be stating the obvious to you that have been this way before but, under the 7 where the propshaft joins to the diff there is a big plastic adjuster for the handbrake cable, grab the bit towards the front of the 7 with a suitable pair of pliers and another pair of on the bit towards the rear of the seven, crack it apart and screw the piece towards the front in a clock wise direction untill all the slack is taken up, screw the bit towards the back into the bit towards the front :-) to lock it all back together.


fingers crossed retest tommorow.

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Unfortunately, Bob, I get full movement of the actuators - they actually reach their stops, so there is nothing to be gained (AFAIK) by tightening the cable. I don't have any slack... It would just mean that my handbrake lever would take less of a pull before it ran out of travel - and would risk dragging the pads.


This happened to me last year as well - and the MOT tester warned me that just playing with the cable wasn't the solution due to the mechanism inside the caliper needing to reset itself - I only passed because he let me sit in the car for the retest, and he started the machine while I still had my foot on the footbrake (to, legitimately, help apply the leverage needed to move the lever).


I've just fitted new pads - and chamfered the edges so that they clear the lips at the edges of the braking area (due to wear). I'll probably give it a go on Saturday, but I suspect it will be a waste of the MOT fee. ☹️


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I suspect it's quite hard to find new ones - perhaps recon.


I dunno how much they are - but I suspect they ain't cheap.


Norman has suggested he might have a pair available though - so if I fail on Saturday, I'll give them a go (with luck)...


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Owelly - I fitted new pads principally so that I'd have an excuse for poor brake performance - and the MOT tester went along with it (nice man).


Even with brand-new pads, a handbrake mechanism that can hold a 1.4 tonne Sierra on a 1 in 3 hill (figures quoted by JAG) should be able to hold a 1/2 tonne Caterham on the flat with one moderately-weedy bloke pushing it...


I will get them fixed/replaced this year - I'm hacked off with these shenanigans.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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