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I am feeling very happy with things in general, bar my work which is a bit of a rollercoaster at the mo *confused*


Perhaps part of my reason is that I have identified my work as my sole sticking point in life, & when broken down into smaller chunks, is manageable, plus if it gets unbearable for too long, I can go elsewhere, there's nothing holding me there now *thumbup*


I had reasons to have a solo spirited drive this morning to just south of Glenshee & back (a route I shall be doing reasonably regularly in future), first time I've given the tintop a healthy spanking in a while, and really enjoyed it *thumbup*

Much looking forward to attacking the same route in the summer months in the snot *cool* *cool* *cool*



Sorry if I sound all airy-fairy today (no drugs - honest 😳 *tongue*) but I thought I'd share it with you all, you lovely people *smile*


(I'm going out with the kids for fresh air ASAP! *eek*)




One final thing I wish to mention, which I find a real shame, is that I've noticed lately a nasty turn in personality of one (I think now ex-)shedder who got a bit sh1tty with me a couple of weeks back, but has really (unnecessarily) gone to town over the last day or so on two particular inoffensive guys for whatever reason I don't know. Having an unprovoked dig at someone's selfless charity raising efforts, claiming they are holier than thou, is downright nasty.


This last bit, of course, is just my personal view.



I really must log off now before I start rescuing cats from trees & helping old ladies across the road etc 😳


Sssssscottish SsssuperSsssnot!

Ssssneakypeek! *arrowright* whooooaaaa! *wink*

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well - I don't think you're a bad person. not that it helps this conversation much.


I think everyone here needs to go for a beer/glass of wine/optional soft drink over a bite of dinner and re-acquaint themselves and each other with what lovely people we have in this club.


Avoid politics/religion as conversation topics. Or jacks. etc.

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Don't let the batsrads get you down 😬 Once a shedder, always a shedder *thumbup* And there's 50 of us going to the USA, just don't sit next to the ones who don't like you *tongue* Me and Jen don't bite (often) *eek*


Here *arrowright* have some happy juice (beer) *cool* *arrowleft*


Party at Nogers place - YEAAAAAAH *thumbup*


Albert Einstein: The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
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Glad you are feeling good Ross. My work is something I need to sort out this year. I came here 2 years ago intending to spend 2 years here...a birthday is as good a time as any to evaluate whather your life is doing broadly what you want and what you need to do to change it.


Within 1 day of arrival here I was being presented with another contract *mad* so I have effectively spent 2 years doing a job I wasn't recruited for. I'm now in the process of being marginalised, or so it seems to me. If I were older or more cynical I'd carry on taking the pay for less responsibility but I'm bored so it's time to improve my lot here or get out (have a guess) *wink*.


Erm, would someone care to let on who's being nasty to whom? I must have missed that bit. Blatmail me if you like.

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Hmm marginalised, thats the place near the Cold Shoulder and the deafening silence *eek* *mad*


Know that hamlet of emotions well at the moment.


Funny I feel so much better since I took charge and stopped waiting for something to happen


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*

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Delbert, my thoughts exactly. I have been thinking this through for a couple of weeks and the corrective action is indeed planned. As you say taking control of your own future is the key to feeling better about it. Of course it helps having been round the block a few times and being able to say "been in worse corners before, I know I can find a way out" and the question now is not "I'm trapped" but "of the available exits or those I can create, which one is the best?" which is much nicer. *smile*


Ross, I've just found the thread you refer to. I agree with you, the critic in question is out of order and I find it uncharacteristic of them, in as much as you can know someone by their postings on BC. I'll put it down as a one-off caused by them having a bad day.


Oh, and my evil organ is in for a pasting tonight *thumbup*

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Evil organ took a modest pasting last night, less severe than anticipated. They don't drink, these French...

Still, t'was a very nice couscous (French answer to a Ruby), very good Moroccan wine (they do exist...) and good company. *thumbup*

Aaaaand....(tan ta ta ta ta taaaaaaaaaaaaa!)

The lovely Amélie rang me last night and we are meeting up tonight. 😬 😬 😬 😬

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