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Just in time, Snowdonia, the Big Kahoovaner, Pingvin suits and big grins


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Following Angie's sterling idea of wearing my dinner jacket and bow tie for the track day, the weekend went (sort of) according to plan.


I arrived at the Aryliam workshop at 7:45 on thursday morning eager and ready to go, expecting to sit on the side and wait for clive (who I had agreed to meet at 9) only to find that he was there and preparing the car for me ready. Inside the workshop. With the door shut. It sounded like he was wrestling with some fearsome beast in there from the growling.....


On checking the car, I took one look at the tyres and the weather and decided that part worn Pileups weren't the best of ideas, so charged off to find somewhere that would swap my REAL tyres onto the car. By 11, I'd managed to annoy Angus (sorry Angus) by being late and still had to go and get my passenger for the day (James) and the bullet cam and get up to the top of the A49 past telford for 2:30. Quick call to Neil - "Sorry mate, running late".


Arriving at Angus' work, James in tow and the boot loaded up to the gills we all stood for a while and admired the car... *thumbup* to Angus for all the nice things said and *thumbup* 😬 *thumbup* for the loan of the bullet cam.


So - hit the road, up the M40, up the M5, off through wolverhampton (bad idea, school mums in trucks picking kids up), on to the M54.... text messages from Neil saying I was late again. Charged down the A5 to our rendez-vous and caught him up.


Back on to the A5.... Neil transformed into "The Big Kahoovaner" and managed to lose me straight away (I was being a wuss)... whilst worrying about this, I discovered that Chester WASN'T in the right direction. Back on the A5 and heading into Anglesey and confidence in both myself and more importantly, the car, returned with a vengeance. By the time we hit the twisty bits of the A5 at the end, Neil and I were making very good progress....


....until we got to the hotel and were met by a very straight faced Mav and Gordon.


"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" opened Mav. "Good news is you're here, bad news is they've fixed the noise meter and that car is TOO noisy"......


"you're winding me up...?" "No, it really is fixed." "No, you're joking" "No, Dave, it's fixed". At which point, much to my relief, his face cracked into a HUGE smile and grinning back, I questioned his parentage and jumped out. 2 rooms left at the inn - and guess which one was mine? 13..... You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.


The next morning, everyone was up nice and early, though I'm not sure Delbert should have been. We discovered that neither he, nor Amy are "morning people". Must remember not to point the camera at people who aren't "Morning people". Breakfast was accompanied by a succession of comments from everyone (including the hotel staff) about the suit and dickie bow.... Whose idea was this?


Jumping into convoy for the drive to the track, we caught up with a stately procession of everyone and pulled into the circuit. Finally - it was there, jumped out with an even BIGGER grin on my face, signed on, waited for the briefing and yes, mav did make me stand up and wave at the assembled crowd. Was doing my best to look like Bond, ended up looking more like Norman Wisdom.


Back to the car and Dannyboy decided that a few choice comments about the Red Beastie and the bad luck fairy would be in order.... Only fair to walk nonchalantly over to his car and pat it lightly on the wing.... (More about this one later)


First outing of the day, GTD Geoff agreed to help turn me from a complete novice into someone who looked like he might not kill himself on track. Once the track peeled away in front of me, the grin came back and I started realising that the Red Beastie was behaving beautifully and what's more sounded superb. Second time round the track and I managed to catch a line of smiling faces on the pit wall....


From then on, the day got better and better. The sun came out, I was asked for passenger rides and by lunch time, the donations were rolling in. I was hotter than a desert cactus in the suit, but a promise is a promise so (much to the delight of anyone that had to stand downwind) it stayed ON.


The final session of the day, I decided that enough was enough and shed the jacket (though not the rest, to everyone's relief) taking the track on for one of only 2 solo drives of the day.... The joy when I pulled into the paddock having finally banished the bad luck fairy. Only problem was, the guilt fairy had taken her place as Dannyboy's car was decidedly sick..... Did I feel guilty? Yes.


Back in convoy, we took the scenic route and Angie jumped in the passenger seat.... Didn't quite make it back - Dannyboy's car gave up the ghost again and the ever helpful Norman dashed out in the 4x4 to the rescue.


Back at the hotel, day over, one happy happy man and a pile of cash raised for NTL. How we squeezed 39 shedders into a chinese restaurant and the tales from the drive home are stories for another day...


Therefore, this is dedicated to all those who have helped me get the car back on the road, given words of encouragement and most importantly, donated money to the charity stunt.


To Lynne, for the big hug when I got back from the first session, and her share of the £20.


To Norman, for his share of £20 and the most generous offer I've ever heard. You know which one, and despite me not taking you up on it, at the time it was seriously appreciated.


Myles - £2

Lee & kaycee - £10

Dannyboy - £10

Gordon and Kate - £10

The Big Kahoovaner - £10


To Geoff and Angie, as ever, two of the nicest people I've ever met. Sincere thanks for the instruction, help collecting the money, checking my tyres and for the champagne over dinner. And £20 for charity.


ChrisB - £5

Delbert - £10, and big *thumbup* to Delberta for being a star

Grant Hayward - £5

Gareth - £5

Badger Bill, the only person with a bigger grin than me. Permanently. - £2

Chris Jones - £5

SteveB - £5

MisterT - £5

Dave Fender - £4

Mahatma - £5

Anonymous others - £4.80

£5 from Fletch

£10 from Noger (it didn't rain, so I'll let you off the other £10)

£5 from Boonie

£30 from Gary G

£25 from Alan (acsmith)


Total - £212.80


Job done - a Very Good Friday


Edited by - dave21p on 27 Mar 2005 23:21:28


Edited by - dave21p on 28 Mar 2005 07:36:20

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well written Dave - Oh you missed the best part of it all - THE ROOM NUMBER!!!!!!



More hugs




Now a budding photographer 😬 😬 😬



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and does anyone think that GTD looks a lot like my cousin Phil Davis here.


Mr Doggie, if you are not really an Oracle HR person but really are an actor, well done for Vera Drake


Also did Delberts pink bag match the pinks of his eyes ??


Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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😬 Great words from Dave21 - though Angie and I are not that nice


Paul - as I'm normally accused of looking like Gordon Strachan (which can be a worry living so near to Portmouth FC) I guess that's an improvement 😳


G for Geoff

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Hurrah, Dave you weight more than me *thumbup*


GTD, mind you, cousin Phil is nearly 52, whereas you just look like you are 52 and appear to look like a craddle snatcher when you are seen out with your good lady wife *tongue* 😬


Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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😬 😬 😬 "Big kahanoovaner" who you calling big? I'm a svelte cat like 16 stone... *eek* *cool* 😬


Great write up Dave... but you missed out the M3 chasing, the hail storm on the way home, and the 'Best Road In The World' that we found on the way back... (fancy a trip up there for mayday weekend?????? *cool*)

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may day weekend I'm at stoneleigh playing host to a load of 21's I think.

though not ALL weekend. my arm could be twisted.


as it says in the write up - the story of the trip home is for another day...


and as for big- well the car IS a little wide 😬

got a great video going past you on the way back from the track.

noise is just silly


Edited by - Dave21P on 28 Mar 2005 11:52:19

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