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Hellier baffle system

david nelson

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Gerrards is a right hander. Pouhan at Spa is a left hander & I would never let the pressure drop below 2 bar. A sort of governer effect really. Be interesting to see how the new baffle affects my cornering speed!


Just another question: I changed the foam 10 months ago & fitted a new sump gasket. Do I need to renew the gasket again when I fit the baffle?

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JEB was suffering from a "jumpy" oil pressure needle going around Gerrards at the start of March. I seemed to be going round at a similar speed but my pressure stayed constant. I've fitted the Hellier baffle for peace of mind, and am hoping to get JEB to fit one of these baffles before the August Mallory session *arrowdown* (book now to avoid disappointment) *tongue*


7 only day @ Mallory - 06/08/05

R300 Register

My R300 *wink*

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I must admit I'd been thinking the same things from the pics I'd seen - It'd be quite a satisfying challenge to construct something similar if it is in effect an ali-plate box. As Angus mentions, there are parts like the plastic vanes tho...(what is it that these do?)


At the end of the day, I'll probably give my money to Hellier - they seem a dedicated company worthy of support and they *did* come up with this superb solution. The quality will no doubt be far better than anything i could manage (even if it is hidden in the sump.. 😬)


I guess it's a lot cheaper than the cost of a dry sump system (which since i got married has become a fading dream) which is the other alternative. Its just there's the 'scrapheap challenge' part of me that'd love to construct something simple like that myself, for the cost of a small sheet of ali and some time, that had such an effect...


Darren E

K80RUM Superlight R #54



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There are four plastic/rubber 'valves' (read hanging-flaps) - but the rest of it is 'just' an ali-cage.


Before I ordered mine, DVA had suggested something similar, and I was thinking about making the valves with simple hinged ali shutters (they'd do the same job).


There's no denying it is well (and accurately) made - and takes the development faff out of the home-grown design, but the risk (to Hellier) is that it is priced at Microsoft-levels - I suspect there'll be more than a few copies made because of the high-price and relative simplicity of reproduction.




Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Quite a few people at Snet last Friday saw the one I took (it would be in the engine by now if I had one!) and all said the same thing "OK if it works but it is expensive for whats involved"

Im not sure that I would have one if my car was not track based.


I think that there comes a time to stop worrying about the cost of the baffle and think of the reassurance and cost that it may save if your engine suffered oil starvation *wink*




Black and stone chip and currently not going ☹️ but waiting to me made better courtesy of Dr. Dave Andrews.

Not long now hopefully?! *smile*



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OK, I have a flap valve on top of Appolo.

Normally when I fill up only though the cam cover only (oil filter having been filled up before putting in place), it takes ages to get an oil pressure (but as you say,may be I am too quick at cranking the engine).

I noticed that I was taking out more than 2 liters of oil from the Appolo. So I fed 2 liters of oil through the top of the Appolo (it is not so long to do so). And the oil pressure is almost instantaneous.




Edited by - Pierre Gillet on 22 Mar 2005 15:30:00

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if it is so easy to make and cheap to make, why hasn't anyone done it before *confused* it is not as if there has just been an issue of oil surge and k series going pop recently....


I am sure Jason has probably put in some effort of thought and design as to how to make it work properly and then go and get tooled up to actually make the items....also if it doesn't work it is jason reputation on the line so that suggests that he has applied some thought process tot he best design...


it is ok saying after the fact oh that looks easy to make, i could make one for tuppence hapenny what a waste of money... *confused* but why haven't you gone out and built it yourself before ...


this is not a pop at anyone just an observation of this thread *thumbup*



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if it is so easy to make and cheap to make, why hasn't anyone done it before it is not as if there has just been an issue of oil surge and k series going pop recently....

You're missing the point slightly.

No-one is questioning the design idea or whether it works, they simply made a statement regarding the cost compared to the quantity of materials involved.

Allowing for construction costs, intellectual rights etc it's still a considerable price.


Looks expensive when compared to the ali header tank above it on their website.




Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬



Edited by - Nifty on 22 Mar 2005 20:51:42

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