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New Regs

Mike Molloy

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Just to continue my *tongue* in 🙆🏻 comment


I still say all trailered cars should be in class 6 if its not in a fit state to drive to the track its a group 6 entry *tongue*


Come on guys what's wrong with traditional 7 sprinting and racing these days. I must find a copy of that old lotus 7 advert to post here 😬 The first club track day I went on at Goodwood there was only two trailered car and I think they were both unregistered. 😬 😬 😬


(Waiting to be flamed)


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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Bilbo - all *tongue* 🙆🏻


the fact that people trailer isn't due to them not being in a fit state to drive, mor elike they prefer the creature comforts 😬


I used to be on your side of the argument, until after being pissed on too many times ect I turned to trailering, won't go back *smile*


there could be some sort of masochism award for the person who drove there car the furthest to compete 😬


rob *smile*

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Hi robmar


Bu88er yet another failed traditionalist. (sigh) *tongue* 😬


after being pissed on too many times
.... a somewhat odd habit............ (rats I was giving up the Curmudgeon bit)


So I take it your in group 6 this year 🤔 *confused* 😬


there could be some sort of masochism award for the person who drove there car the furthest to compete


In fact I think there use to be one *confused* Personally I do not see it masochism... I also have an odd habit as well but thats why I bought the car .......... to drive it. ( 😳 but it not been out a lot in the last 3 years)


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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A24 ACB10s are not an option for me since I don't have a trailer or anything to tow it with, and my road mileage will kill them. If I do go for a List 1B tyre it will be A048R, so I can drive to and from events on them, whatever the weather. Since I'm not going to be winning anything that's fine.


I'll do spring Longcross on my 1A tyres and then decide what to do.


Personally think this is a retrograde step, since it means that if you want to be in best shape to win the local sprints you'll need a set of tyres which are not ideal for the journey to and from the venue. I wouldn't fancy the run back from North Weald I did on the M25 in a hailstorm last year on ACB10s! It wasn't ideal on my List 1A tyres, but was safe ®. It takes us another step away from the idea that you can just empty the boot and stick some numbers on the car and sprint it on Sunday, then drive it to work on Monday.


I enjoy the local meets just as much as the 7 club ones - the variety of cars adds interest and the competitors are a friendly bunch.


I suspect I am in a minority and most are happy with list !B tyre change though.



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10-12 sprints and they're almost done *eek* Bloody hell.


Given 2 practice and 2 timed runs per event at say...1 minute per run that would suggest these £500 tyres are shagged after an hours use *eek*


Far too rich for me I'm afraid. Guess I'm destined to trundle round in Class 5 division 2 (pauper division ☹️)

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Lets not get carried away here, we have no intention of changing our regs so there will still be a place for 1A tyres in the 7 Club.


As an aside my A24's have lasted 2 seasons and will be out again this year in Class 6 until I get some slicks (I'm not exactly the lightest footed of drivers either 😬 😬 😬)




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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I can understand the move to 1b tyres nationally as in '03 we had a 1b runner slip into the 1a classes in the AEMC c'ship a couple of times (still beat him on 1a's though!). I think the AEMC was one of the exceptions in still not allowing 1b's, until this year, in the road classes (does that make sense?).


Long live 1a's in the L7C sprints though. As a fairly high mileage road driver (10K plus a year) I just can't afford 1b's. I like to drive on much the same tyres all of the time and haven't got the space and resource (being a non trailer user too) to keep 1b's and 1a's.


I must however try these 1b's sometime though (the stickiest tyre I've ever used on the 7 is a 21r!).


Also, if you're using super sticky ACB10s are you heading into needing a dry sump territory?




NN 😳


Edited by - No Nuts on 11 Mar 2005 14:28:49

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I drove to my 1st 2 sprints and them bought a trailer. Trailering is the only option for me as:

1. do not like geting wet though, when its raining. No hood on an aeroscreen.

2. I try to drive at 10/10 (see all my spins in the club vid)and the trailer gives me a bit of securaty that I will get home.

3. I some people did not drive then how would all the gazbos get there, we would all get wet or sun burn.


4, Why not?


after my 1st 7 and 42K in less than three years I have done lots of miles but for sprints and hillclimbs a trailer is needed.



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Hi Dave


*tongue* in 🙆🏻 continues


1 I do not have a roof its much more fun with the Brooklands)]


2. If your spinning its not 10/10 its above that or you would not be spinning. 😬. I thought the basic idea was to get a time not footage on the club DVD *tongue* 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬


3. Buy some wet weather clothing the 7n does not mind getting wet. Sun burn well being a spam head (solar powered sex god hiding in 19.5 stone frame) that means that I get a great suntan. Actually I did need to borrow suntan cream at Mira 2 years ago. That was because I left me hat at home at we had great weather all day.

The drive home got rid of all the red. Funny a good bit of wind tan always has that effect. 😬


Oh I have been offered a new job its 75 miles each way every day so the 7ns going to get some mileage again when ever possible, currently both sides are thinking about the mileage rate deal over the weekend. Still 40p /mile sound reasonable and it only for 8 months. So it should be a great, but not all over, suntan weather permitting.


4 So what is wrong with good old fashioned traditional 7 sprinting. Then again the paddock beginning to look like a bloody lorry park 😬


As to Gasbos... *confused* if you mean your friends well if its only one he gets a ride in the 7n that has got to be a plus to your street cred if its 2 then one drives a car up the other home two happy friends. If its more then that is thier problem. ☹️ If its your sons or daughters well if I trailered the car my sons would stay at home




'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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Hi Dave


There was a BIG motor home at Lydden last year


'Can you hear me running' ......... OH YES and its music to my ears 😬 😬 😬

1988 200 bhp, 146 ft lbs, 1700cc Cosworth BD? engineered by Roger King, on Weber's with Brooklands and Clamshell wings, Freestyle Motorsport suspension.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know if it's relevant, but this is my line of thinking as someone who's considering entering the championship:


I run A048's at the moment which I feel are the best all-round compromise if you've only got one set of wheels. They'll do track days, are fine on the road, last OK and are reasonably cheap. BUT, I can't compete on them because (according to you lot) they'll be WAY off the pace of the ACB-10's. Yet I'm not prepared to put ACB-10's on due the expense and the wear rate which rules out driving to the event. So 1B tyres can't be used competitively unless you want to throw money at it and trailer your car.


So, my thinking is if I go to List 1A tyres I can keep one set of tyres on the car at all times. My only beef with this is that you buy a Se7en in the first place because you love driving....and then you go and put a cr@p set of tyres on the car....it just doesn't stack.


So, without p!ss!ng about with changing tyres (bearing in mind I'd rather drive the car on my 'sprinting' tyres so I know better how it'll react in all conditions rather than change them for an event), I can either be uncompetitive with 1B tyres or diminish the performance of my car with 1A's. Either way, it's not ideal and yes, I know that you can't please all the people all the time etc and I also know that, initially at least, I'm unlikely to be challenging for wins. Nonetheless, just thought you might want to see how the regs affect this potential competitor...

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Class 3 tyres list 1b


Last year I started on cr500 and they were fine, then changed to 32s as I was able to get a cheap set.



I think you need to think what your aims are in your 1st year. It is unlikely you will win the class in your 1st year.


The way I saw it was to be as compedative as posible in year one. Get to know your car and its set up. It is not just about puting acb 10 on and you are likely to have to change your spring and thats just a starter.


In year one, i had a great time, got to know a few courses, change the set up and did quite well too.


Your 48s will be fine, come and enjoy yourself, go for the novice champoinship make year 1 as fun as possible as year 2 is a diffrent ball game.










Edited by - David Nelson on 29 Mar 2005 19:44:01

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I would not worry about using ACB10's at this point just come along and compete and see if you catch the sprinting bug. There is so much to learn and enjoy that what tyres you have will be irrelevant to start with. I choose to compete on List 1a's as this keeps the costs down and get a buzz when I'm faster than some of the sprinters using List 1b's. The paddock banter is great...just ask the Saga 7's 😬


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*


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David / Mark / Richard


I'd absolutely agree that a novice is highly unlikely to be winning in his first season. That's not the point I'm making though. Yes, it'll be great fun, and yes, I'll enter at some point. My point is that the regs don't seem to make too much sense given the way most people use their Se7ens. Being realistic about road use and wet weather, not many people can run their cars on ACB-10's. Yet by competing against those who do, you're dropping a second a lap or more (again, based on your figures!) before you even start. So while you may not be competitive in year 1 because of your experience, you surely want to get close to the leaders? Which you're not going to do unless you run the best tyres. It also follows that in year 2,3,4 or 5 or whenever you've gained the experience to want to give the front-runners a challenge, you still need to change your tyres!


And my comments before for List 1A still hold true. Yes, it may be a more level playing field than the classes with List 1B but it does kind of spoil the enjoyment of the Se7en which, in my case, I also use on the road and at track days...


I'm really not complaining (though I know it sounds like it 😬) - I was just reading the comments on this thread and how the club wanted to attract more newcomers. I thought my views might be of interest as an outsider and I'm sure I can't be alone in them.


At the end of the day, we each choose whether to compete or not based on the regs of the championship - if they don't suit, don't compete! It's as simple as that. However, if more entrants are required then it may be time to look at what stops people entering... As I said, this is not meant to start an argument, simply to offer my views in a constructive manner. If the regs change then great! Otherwise I make my choice and, if that is to compete, I accept the regs for what they are and just have some fun 😬 You can't please all the people all the time, though there did seem to be a fair few commenting on this thread that the ACB-10's provide a financial and practical obstacle to a lot of competitors...





Edited by - ChocolateTelevision on 29 Mar 2005 21:53:52

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It not that simple. Yes acb 10 give you the edge but what about the diffrent engine types? X-flows (/ max BHP), 1.8k (140bhp) 1.6K (? max bhp) Lotus twin cams, ect.


if you look at speeds across the line or speed traps you will see there are diffrences.

The champoinship is open to all diffrent types of engines with diffrent powers it would be difficult to just have a x-flow or a 1.8k or 1.6k classes.


In a nut shell if you have a big BHP in class 3, your in with a chance the rest of us with 140bhp just have to except the rules and do what we can.



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David, yes, point taken. There's far more to it than tyres. It's just that the class structure seemed to be based around them! And it also seemed to me to be an obvious way to level the playing field slightly by excluding ACB's or putting them in a different class. Whatever way you look at it, it's difficult to classify the many permutations of Se7en out there so I understand the complex task the organisers have.


The bottom line is very clear in that you either accept the regs and enter or don't accept them and don't enter. I am sure that I will enter at some point(possibly next year?) as it does look great fun. When I do, I want to be part of a thriving championship, not one struggling to find competitors so the regs really need to encourage that. Maybe they do already?


Edited by - ChocolateTelevision on 29 Mar 2005 22:44:25

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The clubs Speed Championship is growing year on year in terms of the number of events and competitors so I do not believe the regs are a problem. However, that said they are reviewed and may change in the future so you never know AO48R's may become the control tyre 😬


Mark D

Su77on Se7ens *cool*


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You dont *need* ACB10's to be competitive - for the past 3 years I have used 32R's for road , trackdays and then sprints . The same set of tyres did 3 K miles , 4 trackdays and won the sprint championship overall in 2003 , 32R's also won class 5 last year .


You dont *need* ACB10's, but they can provide the last 5% of time potential or allow you to get the power down if you have a silly powerfull engine.


In your first 2 years of sprinting you will simply be learning the courses anyway so seekingt he final 5% of time will be low in the list *smile* *thumbup* *thumbup*


Dont worry about it , come along and play 😬


C7 TOP *tongue*

Powered by Hellier Performance 😬

South Wales AO *thumbup*

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