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Driving along the A27 on Friday following a white van with solid (i.e. no glass) back doors in the inside lane. I indicated to pull out, at which point the van moved across to the outside lane without indicating. Now as there is no way the driver could have known I was behind him, because of the solid back doors, surely indicating would have been a good idea 🤔


After he pulled back into the inside lane I was able to over take him. I was particularly bemused to see written on the side of the van 'Speed Costs - Safety Camera Maintenance Team' *eek*


I couldn't help but wonder how much dangerous driving costs *confused*


I'm tempted to report this, but as I wasn't able to take down the van's number I'm not sure how far I'd get... *mad*




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Positivley bouncing


Even had to go to Milletts to buy a waterproof suit for her


£40 blinking quid


AND she expects food 😳

over the next 5 weeks she is with me for 23 days, I must get a rebate on my maintainence surley


A whole month of Daddy mode Whey *thumbup* 😬


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*

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