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Myles, what graphics card are you using, I have just 'borrowed' a radion 9200 128meg card off my dad, and in full resolution with everything turned on, bias to detail, and 19 AI competitors in 16bit detailed cars, I only get the slightest of 'sticking' past the pits when they are all lined up, or on the startline. Everything else is fine... You can get radion 9500 256 cards at ~40-50 quid now, perhaps another solution?



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At the mo we have it off completely.


I would not make it out of the pits otherwise *eek*


After last nights adventure the Italian Marshalling corps were greatly reduced, those that could still stand ran for the hills *eek* *eek*


Actually managed to go over the Coca Cola bridge *cool*


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*

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I always wanted the crowds to be animated! *cool* *tongue*


Keep on in there Del, the rewards of charging into the first corner in 6th at 180mph+ to snick down a couple into fourth apply a little more brake to make the tail break away and powerslide round. Then into fifth for the next, see the racing line, hit the brakes hard, lock up, hit the barrier, hit the curb, hit the barrier, hit the curb, switch to the overhead view and watch the wheels bouncing around all over and your engine set on fire... Oh the fun of these 'games'... 😳 *tongue* 😬




PS Myles decent cheaper graphices card to cure your 3d wheel woes here perhaps?

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BB, I recently purchased a 128MB Geforce 5200FX card - mainly so that I could play Half Life 2.


Part of the problem is (possibly) that my motherboard is pretty-ancient and only supports AGP 4x - it's also only running a 1.1GHz Athlon.


I think the car-models are definitely to blame - I used to run GPL on a 400MHz pentium with a 32MB graphics-card of some description. The old car-models were much simpler (didn't have brake-callipers and the like) - I'm happy-enough cutting the detail down to make it playable.


Anyway - what did you say your typical Spa times are? I've made it down to the 3:25ish level - but I still (frequently) run out of road in a few areas and so can't bang consistant laps in.


The original replay that came with the game was for something like a 3:20 - so there's much more to come. The lotus setup that came with the demo-files (Another Alison-Hine job) is excellent though.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Definately a processor/skin problem, not graphics with that card. I'm not sure what to add/remove or otherwise for the wheels now. I guess that you could find all the files with the same names (or similar) to the ones in the 2d files that In sent over, otherwise you could install the game elsewhere on your PC, copy and paste the original cars over and only addon the bits that you want, each car has there own files now when you download them, so std, with 2d wheels, 16bit std, with 3D wheels, etc, etc...


A bit labourious, does it slow the frame rate down if you are alone in training mode, or when other cars are around?




BTW, I didn't say what my lap is for SPA as I can't remember, but I'll find out tonight... 😬

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It's only really at the start that I have issues - it runs at a rock-steady 36fps when there are only a few cars around.


I have copied all of the original cars across - with the exception of the Lotus. I found that GPL could crash-to-desktop if I pranged the Lotus with the old carset. Not sure if the originals have 2D wheels or not - I took them from the original CD (this is the most amazing CD ever - normally I scratch them or lose them within a month or two - this one has travelled the world with me for the last six-years or so!)


I thought there used to be a util called 'Carset manager' or similar - that allowed you to chop and change bits and pieces. Can't seem to find it anymore.


I'll give it another go later.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I find that Alison (Eagle Woman) Hine's set-ups have too much understeer for me but they are good for novices/those who are not prepared to devote their life to this game *smile*


My best for Spa is around 3:26... in the Coventry or the Brabham. 3:20 for the Lotus, Eagle or Ferrari 😬 Not that that's quick - the world record is 3:11.254 *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* (by Leonardo Grandis)


I just looked at a replay of a 3:11 lap *eek* Flat through the Masta Kink, the speed only momentarily dropping below 190 *eek*


M1 7 SMW 1.4-now-1.8K Mem.No. 10376 Picture here 😬


Edited by - Tony_Whitley on 7 Mar 2005 23:11:46

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Crikey, fellas, I went on for a few laps (like about 6) and couldn't get below 3:35! And even then there was all sorts of sliding/squirming at the top of eau rouge, through the kink, on the big righthander at the end of that straight, and virtually on every corner after that too! I'm in the ball park, as I'm at least in the same gear as the replay lap on the corners, I just have to brake earlier and am not on the power quite as quickly...


Thinks that I need to get a better set-up as I'm mainly understeering all the way round *confused*



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BB - initially, the AH setup for the Lotus at Spa does seem very understeery - and (as mentioned before) I quite often find/found myself with a wheel or two on the grass at the exit of various corners (apologies -I don't know the names).


...but then I had a revelation - (well, it worked in at least one corner) - I've often read in performance-car reviews about people taking too-much speed into a corner and having to have the bravery to put their foot down to point the car around the corner - and in some situations, it works!


There's one fast right-hander in particular where I just understeer off if I just hold the throttle - but if I put my foot down as I enter the corner, it tightens its' line and just rockets down the road... Quite remarkable.




Which is the Masta Kink? The kind-of double-apex downhill RH bend a few corners after Eau-Rouge?


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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My flying lap is just in 4th at eau rouge up to 5th then down to 3rd @ les combes, 5th into Burneville getting to 4th before 2nd apex accleerating on exit then braking and going into 3rd @ malmedy, only lift off at the second marker in 5th through masta (turning right and getting on the gas before you have even finished going through the left 😳), either a very (read: too *confused*) low 4th going into Stavelot or a tail out provoking third, up to fifth asap from the exit, all the way to blanchimont. 4th into blachimont, dropping into third for the second corner, fourth for the pre lasource left hander behind the pits, and down to a squirming 1st for the hairpin braking from the second marker...


This is pretty much what the AI cars do, except they manage to carry a load more speed through the big sweepers and manage to brake later into la source and les combes... need to sort this out now, as it is getting on my nerves and after a few laps like this, my hands are sweating...



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BB - have you got the GP Replay Analyser util somewhere? You can get it to merge two replay laps together, analyse the trace in GPRA and even output a merged replay (with ghost-car) back into GPL.


It should show-up where you're losing time and whether your lines are different.


FWIW, I'm in 3rd through Eau-Rouge, up to 4/5 approaching Les Combes before banging down into 2nd for the main LHer, up into 5th for Burnenville (flat - subject to a lift to settle the car) and then dropping into 4th for the 2nd apex (flat again as the car settles), into 2nd for the first left of Malmedy, hard in 3rd through the next bit, 5th for the run to Masta, down into 4th at the last marker (without braking - just a bit of a lift) and then hard on the gas as discussed to avoid running wide, 5th down the hill and then dropping to 4th and then 3rd (without braking) as Stavelot progressively tightens...


Hard up the hill and dropping into 4th for the rh corner before La Carriere and then quite hard braking into 3rd for LC itself. ISTR I brake hard and late for Blanchimont - probably in 3rd all the way through. A bit of a lift in 4th for the lame left-hander behind the pits, brake about halfway between the last two markers for La Source, into 4th down the hill over the s/f and then a fairly whimpish brake and into 3rd for Eau Rouge again (I struggle to avoid spinning off if I leave the braking too late).


I'll try and record a replay and see what kind of speeds I'm holding later this afternoon (bit busy getting ready for the new job tomorrow).


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I was happy with my lot until this started *mad* Now I'm changing down to fourth through the kink, titting about with setups and generally spending far too much time on the thing... I'm now down to consistant 1:31's, but beggar me if I managed to do a 1:32 in a ferrari last night on its first lap, with the std set-up and enought fuel for 10laps! *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* *mad* 😳 😳


This thing is going to be the end of me...




BTW, once you have started lapping in the low 330's for spa, try your hand at a really gun-ho lap of Monaco, to see how far you have got to go yet!! 😳 *eek* *tongue*

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Yeah - I've been there - tweak, tweak, tweak, ah! bliss!




Hang-on - what I meant to say was...


I've been there - tweak, tweak, tweak - start to get the tyre-temps sorted, bit of oversteer there - so soften the front....


...then try the setup I had several hours ago, and find it to be quicker (and probably easier to drive).


That's why I'm so chuffed managing 3:25s with ALison's standard setup for Spa - it handles pretty well with few (if any) vices and is quickish.


I only need to drive at the ring to see how far I have to go - but maybe I should try *her* setup there...


I haven't the time just now - and I find that it's hardly worth loading GPL if you're tired (or under the influence)...


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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