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Oh Delbert - turn off auto-shifting, brake and accelerator help. This is one game where they will seriously hamper your ability to get anywhere - the learning curve *is* steep, but unlike other driving sims, starting with these aids and then turning them off later will just mean you have to relearn how the cars handle all over again - your new 'knowledge' will be wasted.




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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Did your copy come with a manual (probably a .pdf these days)?


There used to be two different manuals - one was a driving guide. It's well worth reading - it'll get you in to driving at Monza for starters.


If you want my car-setup for Monza, I'll fire it off to you - it is optimised for the Lotus and for the Grand Prix car (the Novice Trainer and Advanced Trainer behave a bit differently), but it's several steps in the right direction.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Oh - and if you do nothing else, from the main screen, go into the Replay section - there's a half-decent lap of every course already in there. *thumbup*


Another tip - when you get the wheel - take your shoes off - you need so much feel and control that you'll struggle with any kind of shoes on.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Edited by - Myles on 2 Mar 2005 16:55:14

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Myles , Thanks for the tips cannot wait for the wheel.


However screen has creashed twice now loads of flashing and a Papyrus screen so gawd only knows


Now running the norton thigy




The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*

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Right - you'll need to make sure your graphics drivers are bang up to date - I've had issues with everything flashing like crazy, and that was the cause.


Which version of GPL is it patched to? While it loads, you get a version number in the bottom-right of the screen - I'm currently running - I know there is a (proibably just the latest CPU-speed patch), but it wasn't working too-well for me last night.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Tony, if you do the 80k download, does it have all the updated cars, forcefeed and speed fixes done?

80k *confused* 80M is more like it. Yes it has updated cars, all the patches and IIRC some circuit (graphics) updates.


Delbert: you can just install the demo and run the one track without copying the others. It'll keep you occupied for a while...



Yes is the cpu speed patch. You need it if your PC is > 1.4 GHz otherwise the cars go at insane speeds.


M1 7 SMW 1.4-now-1.8K Mem.No. 10376 Picture here 😬


Edited to say: just checked - the download is 84M.


Edited by - Tony_Whitley on 2 Mar 2005 17:43:40

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Ooh, that's good. I downloaded the 'demo' because I was having trouble applying patches to my copy - I then copied my tracks in, and my driver details - and it works. Looks much better than before.


One other tip is to open 'Sound Recorder' in windows, find Skid.Wav in the sounds directory of GPL and increase the volume of the .wav many, many times - you want to be able to hear it over the engine sound - it helps you know when you are on the limit and doesn't detract from the rest of the audio.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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You'll need to go into the car directory and move the .mip files that are related to them and replace with std ones. Have you tried any of the 'garage' tools that are out there, you know the ones that let you change stuff like the engine and stuff. I'm not sure if you can sort graphics out from there. One way of always having the right car, is to have many folders of your favorite one in different guises and just swap 'em about as required.


I did get half a dozen laps in before the ballast got back yesterday and got two laps back to back at 1:34 so I reckon that we might be on for a race sometime soon. (I prefer the slidy eagle with a good inch of rake and a half inch of neg camber at the front vs std set up) I've got a mate round who I'm trying to wean of NFS underground2, so I'll try some different set-ups tonight. Any tips?



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I tried the engine-changer yonks ago - a bit of fun, but that was about it.


I *did* use it once though - I built myself a track which consisted of a pair of parallel straights - climbing as steeply as you could whilst still getting traction. I made these incredibly-long - and put a ski-jump on the downhill one.


The Lotus topped-out at 250ish mph downhill - so to get more speed, I swapped-in the honda engine (more revs - the gearing stays the same as the Lotus).


Managed about 300mph downhill 😬



Anyway, right - I'll go and do the thing with the wheels, thanks.


Tips? I think all of my setups are based on Alison Hines (think I've got that right) - Eagle Woman...


I can send you my current setup- but it's obviously only appropriate for the Lotus.


I could also send you a replay file - that might give you an idea of how I drive - ISTR (and obviously, since I've played this on and off since 98 - so I can't remember everything) that one of my major steps-forward in general laptimes was when I got braking sorted.


I use a very-fast cadence action so that the wheels keep on unlocking - smooth just doesn't seem to work for me.


The tip I posted about increasing the volume of the skid sound helps out too - you get an earlier warning of when you're locking up or just spinning the inside rear wheel out of corners.


Lemme create a replay file, copy a setup. Drop me a blatmail with your address...


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Well I'm only 62 seconds off you and getting faster with each glass of wine


Perhaps its the Chianti Clasicco *confused*


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*


Edited by - Delbert on 3 Mar 2005 22:24:05

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Del, as you have probably got the most up-to-date version of the game out of all of us, I'll not corrupt you setup with my patched together version. Just promise me that you won't give up until you're quick enough to race. If you still don't like it then, then quit! 😳 *tongue*


BB *thumbup*

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Now you're asking! I've been on Monza for the past few days and am still trying to lap at 1:34 consistently! I agree that there is more time to be made on the braking, I'm always a little too cautious and can end up having to drive into the corner as I have overcooked the braking... *confused* and watching the replays (not yours yet as I opened the mail on my works computer and not the home one with a copy of the game on! 😳 *tongue*) I can be a gear up on most corners, especially the two tighter ones that are half-way round in front of a grandstand and before the tunnel... I'll get there though. I'll be on SPA this evening to get a few flying laps in, and let you know where I am.



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I've been on Monza for the past few days and am still trying to lap at 1:34 consistently


Some of us are still trying to get a complete lap 😳


The difference between Test mode and race is staggering *eek*


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*

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