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Alex Wong1697456877

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Hi Barry,


Just a suggestion.


When I search for something, the results page findings are set to open the page in the same window. Thus to go back to the findings, most people would need to resubmit their search query and take up server time. Would it be better if the search results were set to open a new window?


Hope you are well!



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  • Area Representative

Hi Alex,


If I understand you correctly, can you not just hit the "back" button to take you back to the search results?


What browser are you using?





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  • Area Representative

It may do but I don't think it should impact significantly. Barry?


BTW, you may like to try Mozilla or Firefox as your browser. They (certainly Mozilla) have a feature called "Tabbed Browsing" which is very useful and would help in this senario.




p.s. don't mean to tread on any toes, Barry.

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I normally use right-click->open link in new window, if I know I want to go back to a page without re-loading it. Hence the huge number of windows on my desktop 😬. Sometimes (if it's the last item in the results list, and I know I don't want to go back to the list again), I'll just click through in the same window, finish reading the item, then close the browser (or go off somewhere else on t'internet).


If you force the link to open in a new window (say, with TARGET="_blank"), then you're taking away the user's choice. For me, this is "a bad thing".


If right-clicking is a pain, assuming you're using IE I think you can set the default behaviour of your browser by de-selecting the "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts" option in Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Browsing. ISTR that the old Unix Mosaic/Netscape browsers I used back in my uni days had a nifty option where the middle button (or shift-click) would open the link in a new window. Ah, shift-click still seems to work on my IE v5.50.


Just my 2d...





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Mark, you can configure Mozilla/Firefox so that the middle button will open a link in a new tab. So, you just have one browser window with several tabs. I think you'd like it.



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Thanks Adil - I'm sure I would, but the "powers that be" at work haven't approved its use as yet... ☹️ I'm quite proficient at alt-tabbing between windows though, so the limitations of IE aren't that bad.


As for tabbed browsing, the MultiIE add-on for my IPAQ does something similar - very useful, especially when you're paying by the byte! Best $20 I ever spent on software.





😬 *cool* 1800 K-Series - S777 DMH *cool* 😬

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