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tam.... what on earth....


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has happened to Burnham. I know it inherited lots of chavs from slough, but I went to get my hair cut on saturday on the high street and I ended up growling, gnashing my teeth and wanting to murder someone by the end of it... Note to self - next time go to leamington instead.


where did they all come from?

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Poor Dave - I thought you knew this stuff .... *tongue*


Okay, it goes like this.... Mummy Chav & Daddy Chav get together behind the bus shelter on the way home from the pub (after they've eaten a greasy kebab) and "do stuff"


9 months later - Little Chavs appear, then they grow up to become bigger Chavs, etc... Repeat add infinitum ☹️ Sad world, you need a licence to drive but they'll let any 🙆🏻hole reproduce 😳


Albert Einstein: The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
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sterilise the lot of them (or is that a little extreme?) *smile*


No - my point is - I've only been gone for a year. they can't breed THAT quickly. SO. Where did we import them from?


Can we deport them with all of the illegals that we are suppsoedly throwing out and swap them for a demographic that we actually WANT from another country? Suggestions please on who we want instead.

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I can only apologise for the Chav-ville that Burnham has become ☹️ It's amazing when you consider that a town which should, given the house prices, be full of range rovers, horse boxes and people called Clarissa, is actually full of souped up pugs, burberry and people called Chardonnay *mad*


I don't think all the blame can be laid at Slough's door (although it is single-handedly responsible for many other ills in this world - like the peanut smell from the Mars factory *mad*). I reckon the Cahvs come from as far afield as Maidenhead, Langley and possibly even High Wycombe.


I hope you recover soon *thumbup*




Burberry-less of Burnham

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I reckon we have to go further than its precise geographic location for the reason


In the same way as "New Agers" congregate in parts of Devon and Dorset I am of a view that Burham has the same mythical draw to Chavs.


Whilst I am not the foremost expert on events historical I have found a relavent thesis on the problem.


The attraction according to Proffesor Chavington Pug is that the name had been bastardised over the geneations from a time when Chavs raomed the lower Glacial areas in their wooded carts pulled with Mules.


The terrain was so tough and rugged that when on the annual pilgramge to the festival of the Burr-Berry Bush the carts used to start to fall apart.


By the time they reached Slough the carts were in such a state that even the Devil,(The Demon Tweek) could not fix them as such in true Chav style the carts were ignited to provide entertainment.


This all happened in one location and as it was described as the place where we Burn Them


But in Chav speak this has degenerated to Burnham.


I propose this thesis to the shed


The Liver is an evil organ and deserves to be punished *eek*


Edited by - Delbert on 21 Feb 2005 12:30:31

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