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Class regulations


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Apologies if the answer to this is included with Low Flying - I've justdownloaded the registration form from the Home Page.


Can someone point me to the class structure? Mine is a Mega Grad (1.6 k series with super sport conversion) and I need to find out which class I am in.


Haven't chosen the tyres yet, so advice on what to go to get the best class appreciated.




G for Geoff

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100 bhp and slicks - I like the way you are thinking! *tongue*


Better dust off those lights then. Do they actually have to work, 'cos the wires have frayed so much taking them off and putting them back!


I'm not racing this year, doing a lot of practice and a few sprints instead, so do I need the fire extinguisher re-fitted too?


G for Geoff

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I have never been asked to prove my lights are working so I guess as long as you attach them you might get away with it...also as the club events are such good natured as long as you don't win everything in sight all you will get is a shed load of banter 😬


fire extinguisher - not required, but I Suspected 'recommended'[ :/]


BTW list 1b tyre of choice for the last 2 years has been the acb10 compund 24, and I suspect that willbe the case for this year as well....



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MoT? Yikes - this is looking bad! I'd need to put the 7 through an MoT then? Given that I have no other reason to do so, as the car is SORN'ed, I can't see it being worth the cost of that, plus the tax disk etc. ☹️


It does seem a little extreme to have one class for non road legal cars?




G for Geoff

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Geoff - the problem is that we only ever have a handful of cars who compete in that class so to break it down any further wouldn't in th epast make much sense


plus int he past all the cars in that class have been high powered monsters so relatively evenly matched






(See my out of date web sitehere )

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Hmmm - I've found the regs in Competitors Korner - should have looked there first I guess!


Looks like Class 6 is the only option if I don't want to spend the dosh to meet the road legal requirement for all the other classes. 138 bhp versus 200 plus! *eek* I'll stop building the trophy cabinet, then!


As the regs are still provisional, is there any way of tackling this? If not, then I guess we'll just have to enter class 6 and see how many we can embarass.


Anyone got any second hand slicks?




G for Geoff

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Unfortunately you are in a minority, to compete in any Sprint championship a car of your spec would need to be road registered, its not just us.


There are no plans to sub divide Class 6 when we are lucky to get 5 registered contenders in the class.


Sorry its just we cannot meet everyones one off request.




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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GTD - Even if you are underpowered, class 6 has so few runners that with the odd mechanical problem for a fellow class member, there's still a good chance of getting a place or even winning the class.

Having a car that can get a time is the most important, followed the driver's skill, and finally the car's potential.


And remember, for the invitation sprints, there may only be a couple of class 6 runners who get entries.....


One small point where I could be wrong, but IIRC, MSA regs state non road legal cars should have MSA papers. They're easy to get & not expensive, but it's something to bear in mind. As I said, I may well be wrong on this - I'm sure I'll be corrected within a few minutes if I am 😬


Poised over a bench with a nibbler and ally sheet.....

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Graham - If it's not just a L7 CLub thing, sorry - is it an MSA ruling that the lower classes must have an MoT?


Anyway there'll be acouple of extra competitors in Class 6 this year, as I've promised a friend of mine that he can share the car!





G for Geoff


Edited by - GTD on 9 Feb 2005 08:37:41

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Most sprint and hillclimb classes - outside of the L7C series are either split in "roadgoing upto 1700cc / over 1700cc " or "modified production"


Roadgoing is fully road legal, mod prod is anything goes with slicks ( very simialr to class 6) .


This is why scholarship cars are road legal, then you eventually end up with your car spec .





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MSA log book is required for non-road legal (i.e. taxed and MOT'd). They can be obtained from any Nat B or above scrutineer, usually at the event if you make prior arrangements. Make sure you have a photograph showing the front 3/4 view of the car with nothing in the background that distracts from the image of the car. Cost is £22 IIRC.


Renny Thomson

MSA Scrutineer (Nat A)

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Last year there was a dispensation for class 6 cars that were genuine race cars in that they didn't need sprint log books. Seem to recall they had to produce a programme from a recent race meeting to prove they were genuine. Was this a pukka MSA rule that will also apply this year or just a fudge to get a couple more entries?
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  • Area Representative

The dispensation is part of "L9.1.7".

".......or is currently used in circuit racing and is entered in an event on an occasional basis. The onus of proof rests with the competitor".

In Geoff's case, this would not appear to apply, if he is not racing this year, but does intend to compete on speed events on a more frequently.

So, it looks like Geoff needs a logbook.

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