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Grand Prix Legends

Badger Bill

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Just got my steery wheel sorted out and put the upgrades on that I downloaded in 2002. I thought that they were looking good before, but the quality of the cars are still getting better!


Take a look here and click on cars on the left hand menu here... Staggering.


Going to be doing some serious downloading over the next few days, I reckon... 😬



PS The Oulton Park track is spot on, and the 16bit graphics upgrade on Monaco is well worth it *thumbup*


Edited by - badger bill on 1 Feb 2005 10:35:17


Edited by - badger bill on 1 Feb 2005 10:36:57


Edited by - badger bill on 1 Feb 2005 10:39:51

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Ah, now you want to be my friend! 😬


I get mine from either;


http://www.gplea.org you'll find Goodwood here.

http://racesimcentral.com although they seem to be having trouble at the moment...

or http://gplpp.com/, has by far the best choice of tracks, loads of UK tracks, Cadwell, Oulton, etc, etc, but not Anglsey ☹️ sorry fella.


Have fun!



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Hmmm, one of my sons class mates lives in a house next to where Vincents were made.


Them must've been the days, they tested them up the old A1 to Jacks Hill caff, ISTR the factory test riders were not allowed to go above 120 mph *thumbup* 😳 *tongue*


Supercheese R250


Caterham pictures here 😬

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I've got a new graphics-card arriving today (allegedly).


It's only a cheapy - so should bring me from about 4+ years out of date to about 1.5-2...


I'm looking forward to trying the 'pedals' patch - perhaps we can arrange an online game sometime. *confused* My PC ain't powerful-enough to host though... ☹️


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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My 'Asus GeForce 2 32mb GTS' is at least four years old and not state of the art when I bought it, but it works fine on my PC (home-brewed AMD 2600+ 512mb RAM). I haven't tried the pedal patch yet, but I was up 'till an hour or more past my normal bedtime last night duffing round with my 12 year old car sim!! 😬 *thumbup*


I reckon that we should choose a course, a real one, like Monaco or Oulton, let us have a little practice (I know that I havn't really played in anger since 2003) and then try and sort out a race later in the week. Whatdoyareckon? *confused*




PS I can't promise not to shunt caravanner off if I can recognise his XL size '69 gp car!! 😳 *tongue*

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I'm due to be moving house this weekend, so am packing all week and up in the air. I reckon that a shedders rally might be a bit of a wheeze, and defo something the try. I have never raced on-line either, just those pesky AI drivers... Needless to say I'm almost always last 😬


I'm already looking forward to it! *thumbup*



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Monaco is *not* a good idea - it will tax the lower-spec machines.


I'd go for something almost everyone will have had some experience at - and for which the scenery isn't too detailed (or important).


Monza ain't bad - I prefer Milano (Monza with the banking - but it's got a lot of relatively boring full-throttle cruising).


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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cool... and I FINK I can MOSTLY remember when silverstone goes left and right...


Silverstone is a standard track isn't it? Would we be using that one, or a downloaded one?

I'm going to be very very last in the race though as I'm carp at GPL!

Not, GT4 online racing when it FINALLY arrives should be a little different...

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I've got Brands Hatch GP course for GPL - The scenery is a bit naff, but the programmers seems to have concentrated on the track - Brilliant *thumbup* if anyone wants a copy, let me know.


Can't play at the moment tho - Lent me wheel setup to a pal, he's been trying to get along with a jostick & mouse setup 😳


If anyone can host a "sheds" online game, i will get the wheel back ASAP



Albert Einstein: The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

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I suggest that for early attempts at a shed-do, we try something really simple - and preferably one of the std. track for compatibility.


I still vote for Monza - partly because I *can* get around it more times than not. You generally want to avoid anything with lots of camber or hills - too much effort to set the cars up.


Anybody who suggests the 'Ring is avin a larf.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Does anyone techy know if this:


ie the GT4 Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel would work with a PC as well as a PS2?


I'm going to order one with GT4 but it would be great to be able to use it with GPL to.


As for hosting a game, what do you need?


My main PC is fairly whizzy (3ghz P4) and I have a 512 line. (will upgrade to 1mb when purchase of new house goes though). Though the PC has started to randomly crash due to some memory conflict.. I really should back everything up and try to fix that!

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I don't think that Playstation stuff works with PCs ☹️ I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think that I am. Sorry *thumbdown*


As for the track, it seems like Monza is Myles's fave, so why not 😬


Does we all need to have the same cars / track set up, or can I keep my fancy 3D stuff? I can try hosting a game if you want, my PC seems quite stable and I'm on broadband 512...


...erm, how do you host a race? *confused* 😬



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Ah, the football team with the only decent chant..


T...I...T...S.... WHAT DO YOU DO?.... OLDHAM!!!!


😬 😬 *tongue*


I think MOnza sounds like a good start... finding a suitable time slot will probably be tricky!


I could host the game on my old PC and play on the other one if that would help at all??

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I gather that the host PC needs to be fairly chunky - and presumably with a fairly-good connection (although I have heard it said that GPL isn't actually that bandwidth-heavy).


I guess that when it comes down to it, whoever has the best PC/connection going should host it - unless, as you suggest, we hosted on something like my laptop which is about twice as fast as my desktop.


I'll try and look into what's required later today.


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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