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Could I do just one event?


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  • Area Representative


you can do as few or as many as you wish!

Look here for this years club speed championship Calendar.

Typical entry fees are £60-80.

Look here for a guide to sprinting.

Don't worry about car setup or what class you'll end up in, just come and have a go!


Lots of folks feel they need the right "This" or "That", but theres far more that comes from the driver!

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  • Area Representative

I should add that some events will be organised by L7club, so club membership and a suitable licence will qualify you to compete, whilst we will be an invited championship for other events, where you should technically be a registered championship contender to qualify. (but I wasn't asked for a championship registration card at any events last year!)

Championship registration cost £10 last year - look out for details in Februarys Low Flying!

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You must be a registered championship contender to take part in the non L7Club organised events (as we have been invited as the championship not at the 7 club itself). If you want to try just one I would suggest one of our own events at Llandow, Curborough or MIRA.




Competition Secretary

*cool* 2005 Speed Championship - 13 Rounds with 7 counting towards the championship *cool*

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Steve: "Starting with MIRA"...!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not IMO. It's just a couple of bends with a big gonads sweeper and so fast that if you go off, there's a high liklihood of hitting something - HARD.


oldbutnotslow: I'd say it kind of depends what you are after from your one off sprint.....

Curborough(L7C) is good because so many club folk turn up.

Llandow(L7C) is good because it's so relaxed/well run.

Harewood(Invite) is good as, at least this year, it was a big event with loads of people/types of car. It's a great hill as well and pretty safe - well, you won't hit a tree anyway.

Wiscombe(Invite) is also a great hill and the Westphalia/Cateringvan banter should be good this year 😬 Nice mix of cars as well even if there's not any mega fast single seaters. A very challenging hill but not a place to go off.

Loton(Invite) is another nice hill, comparable to Wiscombe but faster and arguably safer.

Longcross(Invite) is MEGA fast and a fantastic track but is sh1te for viewing and not much atmosphere.

I don't like MIRA ☹️




Surrounded by steel tubes and empty beer bottles....

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Adam, see your point but I don't think people on their first sprint are likely to push that hard, and a number of the corners do have pretty good run off, it's only really the top end that runs parallel to the high speed banking isn't it?


Looking at other options - Curborough fisrt corner is as quick with little runoff, same as the worst bit of MIRA, Llandow chicane and then immediate right is also a pretty "testing" corner. Not a lot in it i'd say.


IMHO they're all safe tracks as long as you don't go mental, it is after all down to the driver to stay in control.



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Definitely have a go.

I started a couple of years ago with my first one being MIRA. My 7 was a road car used for some track days.

As Richard says, it is the driver not the car that makes the difference - although that doesn't explain why he insisted on changing so many bits on his car during last year to make it go faster *wink* *wink*

I am not sure it makes all that much difference which event you go to as a first one - it is a totally different experience to a track day and I think the format with 2 practice 'laps' and then the 2 timed ones (that count) means that unless you are the sort that goes flat out on the first lap of a track you have never driven before, you should be OK. We have all seen them though!

Before any of the wiseguys mention my few excursions on the practice laps at Lydden last year - I would like to point out that I had been there the previous year so knew exactly where to go off - several times 😬 😬

I am sure you will find it a really enjoyable day.


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I would 2nd Daves post.

I drove at Llandow for the first time last year, it's an excellent circuit for 7's and by going to the trackday before hand, you get plenty of opportunity to build up your speed and confidence.

It also has the advantage of being at the start of the season, so you will almost certainly want to do other events later in the year.



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Llandow was my 1st sprint the day before was a track day. It was a great way to meet everyone. the track day was good as people had time to talk and answer any questions. The Saterday night in the pub for food was another ay off meeting people.


It might be a long way to go but it a great weekend.

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Thanks guys its given me something to think about. I must say that I really fancy having a go. I do enjoy the track days and you do get a lot of time behind the wheel. That having been said I really fancy having a go. I need to start to arrange my calendar of events and see where I could fit it in. I do fancy the track day followed the next day by the sprint. I will have a look at my circuits guide as well

The distance is a problem in that everywhere is a long way from Norwich!!


Thank you all very much for the info and encouragement, it is much appreciated.





Black and stone chip


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I've not sprinted in competition, but I did attend a 'test' day at Curborough last year.


ISTR it cost £30 each - max of 12 cars on the day. The morning was untimed, but we had access to timing equipment in the afternoon.


No need for a full race-suit - and I got at least 12 runs in during the day (rather than four on a competition day)- even allowing for a lengthy stoppage when someone lost oil all around the track.


Might be worth keeping an eye-out for these informal events - they do tend to be during the week though...


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Maybe this is obvious,but if you do want to enter an event make sure you fill and return the entry form as soon as possible. (the events do fill up and having got the nerve up to do one it must be crushing to find out that there are no spaces left !)
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