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From the guestbook....

From Tom Weltanschauung Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001


I have a great idea for a line extension for Bonsai Kitten. We have a bigass dog. Lord knows what breed he is, but he's a huge adorable ball of slobbering, leg-humping fun. No one wants to exercise the big guy, though, so we bought this plastic ball contraption for him at the pet store. We fill it with kibble, and if Dingo paws the ball around vigorously for a few minutes a single piece comes out a hole as a reward. Ingenious, but he's catching on. Well, what if you sold bonsai cats that stayed in their containers permanently, and were used as dog exercisers? The dog could see the cat, smell it, maybe even taste it a bit through properly-sized holes. He could gnaw at the vessel and knock it across the room like the dickens. Dinner's inside, but how to get at it? It can't be done! Tantalized, he'll just keep trying and trying!




Dear Tom,


What an excellent suggestion! We have had many letters from owners of dogs and other higher pets lamenting their inability to obtain a bonsai puppy. With this sort of idea, now they can enjoy the beauty and practicality of the feline form in bonsai while still keeping their preferred pets as the centre of attention. One of the advantages of choosing a Bonsai Kitten as a pet has always been its understatedness and ability to add to the room aesthetics without distracting from one's carefully-selected themes, unlike other more intrusive decorations.



Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I really believe that we should bring back the Poodle in a Clay pidgeon trap idea.


Maybe we should insert Chav for Poodle since the Beagle has admitted his love of all things Chav


Those real dogs needing excercise could act as retrievers


Too Old to die Young *eek*

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From Brytton Wingfield Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001


As a professional cat-juggler, the biggest challenge I face is the poorly balanced body of the average kitten. Their large heads and flailing legs make them twist unpredictably as they fly through the air. Is it feasible to make a spherical kitten? This would make my job much easier, and also would be safer and more comfortable for the cats being juggled. I would love to be able to bring this technique back to my homeland, where we have a rich tradition of cat-juggling that goes back over 400 years.




Dear Brytton,


Spherical kitties are indeed possible, we even sell a spherical constriction vessel on our sales page. We also make spherical kittens to order due to the difficulties involved, with which many hobbyists do not wish to concern themselves. However, although we would be happy to manufacture a set for you, we think you should consider a more avant-garde shape. Spherical balls are the least crowd-pleasing of a juggler's ensemble. If we may be so bold as to make a suggestion, club-shaped kittens would be a more worthwhile addition to your act. In addition to the awe their highly elongated shape would inspire from the audience, they could also be fitted with special low thermal conductivity mantles to enable them to double as torches for nighttime fire-juggling segments. I think it's safe to say that this would be guaranteed to earn a standing ovation.


What a site!


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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I have a theory about re-incarnation.


In order to come back as a cat in the next life, you either have to love them very much and treat them with the respect they deserve or be utterly horrid to them.


Those who are utterly horrid will suffer the kind of cruelty you suggest.


Our two mogs are sharpening their claws and planning puked up furballs for your lap should you dare to visit chez Fletcher. I hear a miaow in my head that is saying 'You'll be sooooorrrreeeeee'.


But even now, after midnight, when I too become completely feline from being only 50% in daylight, I shall be able to walk straight through closed doors into your room, and inflict my revenge. I hope your eyes are watering now = they will be.


Se7en's - the most fun you can have with clothes on

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