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6 speeder siezed?


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Yesterday my 6 speed box appeared to have siezed, after about 20 miles driving down the M20, came to the slip road no gears. I managed to ram it into gear and limp home. Once home i looked at the clutch cable and mechanism, all ok. With the engine off i could get it in gear and tested the clutch all ok. This morning with it cold i could get all the gears and took it up road, all was fine for about 2 miles then i couldn't get any gear but had a small amount of drive in neutral. The box seamed to have stuck in gear but was operating a bit like a twist and go but the other way round. I had drive in neutral up to about 4000 revs then just slip but if i let the revs drop i had drive again, in neutral. any ideas?
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Sounds like your clutch friction plate has broken up. When this happens broken bits of the friction lining get jammed between the remaning friction linning and the clutch cover, the result is when you depress the clutch peddle pressure is not released from the friction plate and you cannot engauge or disengauge gears. If the gearbox had seized you would have noticed something break big time and probably lost all drive.
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Had this happen at Spa in 2002, couldn't select any gears but could get drive in neutral which very disconcerting. The problem was the gears were picking up on the shafts, all fixed by Road & Race transmissions. Whilst the engine was out I changed the clutch, CRB & pressure plate as a matter of course, however there didn't appear anything wrong with the clutch.


Whatever the problem the engine has to come out.

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Have you let any water get into it from the gear lever? I don't exactly know what it is but I know before I got my car it was left out in the rain and something seized on the gear linkage! Apparaently it was a bugger to locate the problem but was a very cheap fix.


Beware of getting drive when not actually in gear - if you are stationary in any car and push the gear lever any way it seems to give a little drive. I was experimenting with this in my Pug diesel and I have managed to melt / destroy the syncro (I think). It would go like a rev & go but then got a burning smell and it now crunches into 3rd!! Not a clever thing to do and I would never try this in anything but a very cheap car. If yours is doing something similar I would think you would be damaging something by moving when not fully in gear.


Sorry I can't help any more than that. good luck sorting it.

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