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Ground Clearance with 13inch wheels


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A question for anyone using 13inch wheels.


How much ground clearance do you get below the sump (I assume this is the lowest point); And how does it cope with road obstacles such as speed bumps?


Has anyone raised the height using the adjustable suspension, and how much clearance can you get before the handling of the car becomes affected or the wheels look ‘lost’ in the rear arches?


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I run my '88 de-dion on 13" minilites - no real problem with speed bumps on public roads, the worst ones are those in private car-parks/entrances/driveways etc. As long as I go slow, sometimes at an angle, there is enough clearance. Watch out for the rectangular lumps in the road (we have a lot in Northants) - put a wheel on each lump and let the sump go over the trough!!




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I'm on 13" wheels & not had any problems - speed bumps are Ok if you take them slowly & at an angle; on & off car ferries seems to be OK if you follow the same process (most deck hands usually watch your sump clearance for you anyway). The worst thing I have to encounter is the kerb outside my garage!


Sump height is about 2", with adjustable suspension set high(ish). Handling is great as far as I'm concerned - but then I did switch from 15" wheels & Michelin Pilots so anything was going to be an improvement!


Tyres are CR500 - not especially low profile.


Hope this helps


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My '96 K series with 13" minilites and A021R's gave me about 1.5" (without adjustable shocks), so I switched to 16" for road use which gave me about 2.5". However, the ride is noticeably worse with the larger wheel/tyre diameter so I'm thinking about going back to the 13" (whcich I kept for track days etc).


With the 13" the main problem was speed humps in car parks and the rectangular traffic calming humps (we have them in Bournemouth too!).



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With my little old Classic live axle, I raised the suspension to the upper limit suggested in the build manual - i.e. 10mm above normal. This gives about 100mm under the x-flow sump to cope with various nasty speed humps and changes in incline (e.g. the bridge to the South Bank at Brands Hatch). This is with 70 profile tyres and flared wings.





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My VVC wet sump has 65mm under it witout me in the car. Its got 185/60/13's on the front on adjustable platforms. I've have no probs at all so far so I'll bring it down a peg. I assume the superlight refered to above has a dry sump therefore mouch better clearance.



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on my new sl (32's 60 profile 13 inch) Ihave around 60mm clerance and am gettting quite a bit of grounding over not too high speed calming measures


this is with the dry sump as well


i am planning ot get it up to nearer75 when I get it next flat floored setuped




Brad - was that you I saw blatting down the A329M yesterday about 4:30




Edited by - robmar on 11 Sep 2001 12:38:44

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Apologies if this has been discussed before - anyone know of anyone successfully suing the council/road authority for car damage caused by speed humps ? While I usually avoid them, or carefully judge which ones I can get over, I'm sure I'll either forget or misjudge it one day.
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