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just changing into my bond outfit


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woohoo - customer do ce soir. dinner suit brushed off, pressed and being dressed into as we speak. clip on bow tie for now, non clip on one to drape round neck in sexy spy fashion for later....


god I'm going to look sexy tonight. must remember not to drink too much.

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well - you are partially correct. he wanted him to use the standard issue PPK as it was more conventionally reliable. The beretta on the other hand, for a little piece had enough stopping power! Didn't ruin the lines of your suit or chafe quite so much.


The story goes that he originally didn't know much about guns and gave him a beretta - some gun mad friend suggested almost exactly the lines below (i.e. real MAN's gun instead)


In the early hours of the morning secret agent James Bond oo7 is summoned from a London casino to appear before his boss ‘M’ (Bernard Lee), head of British Intelligence. After customary by-play with M’s secretary Miss Moneypenny (Lois Maxwell), oo7 is briefed on his next assignment by M, who then calls for the armourer, Major Boothroyd (Peter Burton)…


M: Armourer! (to Bond) Take off your jacket! Give me your gun.

Yes, I thought so. This damn Beretta again. I’ve told you about this before. (to Boothroyd) You tell him — for the last time!


MAJOR BOOTHROYD: Nice and light — in a lady’s handbag.

No stopping power.


M: Any comments Double-O Seven?


JAMES BOND: I disagree sir. I’ve used a Beretta for ten years — I’ve never missed with it yet!


M: Maybe not, but it jammed on your last job and you spent six months in hospital in consequence. If you carry a Double-O number it means you’re licenced to kill not get killed. And another thing. Since I’ve been head of MI7 there’s been a 40 percent drop in Double-O operative casualties, and I want it to stay that way. You’ll carry the Walther — unless of course you’d prefer to go back to standard intelligence duties.


JAMES BOND: No sir. I would not.


M: Then from now on you carry a different gun, show him armourer.


MAJOR BOOTHROYD: Walther PPK 7.65 mil with a delivery like a brick through a plate-glass window. Takes a Brausch silencer with very little reduction in muzzle velocity — the American CIA swear by them.


M: Thank you Major Boothroyd.


MAJOR BOOTHROYD: Thank you sir. (to Bond) Goodnight sir.


M: Any questions Double-O Seven?




M: Alright then. Best of luck.


JAMES BOND: Thank you sir. (Bond picks up the Walther in its box, hiding the Beretta underneath, and walks to the office door)


M: (without looking up from his desk) Double-O Seven!




M: Just Leave the Beretta.





Edited by - Dave21P on 16 Dec 2004 16:39:26


Edited by - Dave21P on 16 Dec 2004 16:40:53

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good transcript Mssr Bond.

But, you missed a bit I believe... in the same scene he was also issued with another gun. Can't remember the mane.. it was a big revolver for more long range work with extra stopping power. He and Coral (?) used it on Crab Quay to try and shoot the armoured 'dragon', before it torched Coral.

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In the early hours of the morning secret agent James Bond oo7 is summoned from a London casino to appear before his boss ‘M’ (Bernard Lee), head of British Intelligence


Can't believe you missed out their opening words:-


- Good Evening, Sir.


- It happens to be 3am, 007. When do you sleep?


- Never on the Firm's time, Sir.


Am black-tied (and 7'd) up for a wedding tomorrow. Yum.


My ... Preciousss!

Member #109**

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