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shocking moment

Boonie Hound

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Being a helpful husband I volunteered to try and get the bulb out of the light socket that my wife had managed to break the glass on.


Thinking the light was off (and this was my mistake) I happily reached up with a pair of pliers to remove rest of light bulb.


I think you may guess the rest - loud bang, jolt and a loud swear word from me.


Fortunately no damage - although my arm muscle is sore.


Problem is - I can't find my pliers, and it was a leatherman, so God only knows where they ended up - probably embedded in the ceiling.


Must remember DIY=magic do not attempt unless wearing rubber wellies.

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I remember the time I was wiring up a ceiling lighting grid whilst on work experience (not sure I SHOULD have been) and the complete monkey of a sparky's mate - big gorrilla called Des - 'accidentally' tripped it to live whilst I had hold of various dangerous wires and blew me 8 foot off the ladder.


My fingers tingled for a bit. Threw my pliers AT him. Found them again when they came back with interest and ended up being patched up for a big gouge from the pliers. Never mind the big leccy shock and the fall from a great height.

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I spent a morning in Dubai sorting out the fluorescent light in my bathroom - had to take it completely off the wall. Needed lights on in the other rooms in order to see what I was doing, so I just made double-sure that the lightswitch was off (I was on my own, so it should have been safe).


I carefully wired it back up, and it was only when I put the bulb and cover back on/in that I realised that the switch for the light was on the body of the unit itself and that I'd been fiddling around with live-wires all the time... 😳


The flat was wired with RCBs, but then again, this *was* in Dubai...


Reminds me of a dumb schoolboy friend (well, he had a better pooter than me) - two things. First of all, he was convinced that a tv aerial lead would have dangerous voltages in it - think I won a bet (and scared the heck out of him) by touching the plug to my tongue... Second, he had a problem with a mains extension-lead and decided to open it up and see what was wrong. He checked that the end of the lead was unplugged, opened it up and poked around. And received a massive shock. Dumbass was working on the socket-end of the lead - the plug was in the wall-socket and turned on.... *idea*


I understand he later turned into a smack-addict. Looked very-much like a young Ozzy Osbourne (long, dark hair, sunglasses on all the time).


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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"He checked that the end of the lead was unplugged, opened it up and poked around. And received a massive shock. Dumbass was working on the socket-end of the lead - the plug was in the wall-socket and turned on...."


I have been that Dumbass!!!

It is a mistake you only make once! 😬 😬 *cool*

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I was dissapointed my hair didn't stand on end.


It did kick off my wife's maternal instinct though - after a quick 'are you alright?' she immedietly rushed upstairs to check on our son to see if he was OK - who was snoring soundly in his cot, no where near me or the light bulb.....hello, it was me who got shocked....over here...but she did make me hot sweet tea and made me ring NHS direct.

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Are you sure she didn't rush upstairs to check your life insurance documents *eek* *wink*


Mum used to have mains power in her old greenhouse, when taking it down she asked me to unwire it for her....no problems says I...can you make sure it's off at the circuit breakers under the stairs please...yes it is she says...so I cut the wire with a pair of snips...needless to say it was live *eek*


I now have a new rule...don't trust my mum with circuit breakers 😬

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It happened to my Physics teacher (who therefore should have known better). Not only didn't he check that the mains was off, he was standing in a cast iron bath *eek* *eek* *eek*


Somehow he survived but now I know that shock can literally make your hair turn grey overnight.


M1 7 SMW 1.4-now-1.8K Mem.No. 10376 Picture here 😬

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This might be going off on a complete tangent but Myles reminds me of a University Chum how slept with an lady who was not quite as bacteria free as would have been desired.


Not having the gumption to go to St Stephens and get it treated he looked for a home remedy.


Being a good friend I suggested a large bowl of After shave and dunk his jacobs etc in the fluid.


Well after trying this with a XL bottle of Old Spice the screams could be heard accross Campus


Up to A&E for Mr Chadwick and the now very red Master Chadwick *eek*


Too Old to die Young *eek*


Edited by - Delbert on 8 Dec 2004 17:40:46

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