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All those who think their engine is better than the K...


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Yes it was a good article, still can't see it being one of the best engines ever built, yes first for a production line, but to blame engine tuners/ builders on the unrelaibilty issues is a bit strong. *thumbdown*

And then Rover saying that no one approched them for advice on this engine, b*ll*x more like they did not want to share the information if any ?????? *confused*


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Take some of the balancing figures with a pinch of salt. Especially the 19.7 gmm at the nose of a K-series crank. The location of the damper pulley is so poor that just unbolting it and bolting it back on can give 40 gmm difference in the unbalance measured.



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Yes i found that interesting too, but did they just get a supplied crank and not balance it then?

I would have thought that you have a crank balanced with pulley and flywheel, and that is why the figures seem very far out, where the standard crank is balanced in harmany with all components fitted.

I.ve had brand new rods that have to be ligtened by many grams cos the pistons are differant weights. *confused*



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An interesting article indeed. As someone with a vested interest in the "K", as in I have one in my 7, I'm a little biased. Who is Simon Erland? Three people of interest, amongst others, who are mentioned in the article are Dave Andrews, Peter Carmichael & Roger King: would they like to comment?


Edited by - Mick Day on 7 Dec 2004 13:48:49

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It's poor 'journalism' whoever he is (IMHO), tho not quite as poor as the pure gibberish written about developments in rotary valves a couple of issues ago...



Edited by - Gary Drew on 7 Dec 2004 14:01:55


Edited by - Gary Drew on 7 Dec 2004 16:30:43

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It is published in Racecar Engineering, January edition 2005.

I have a copy in front of me, i think you can only subscribe to it, as i have never seen a copy on the shelf at smiths. *confused*

See www.racecar-engineering.com for details. *thumbup*


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Hi Lads

The K series is A great little Engine if you don't get it hot or if you thow A bit of cash at it to fix its folts, you lads don't seem to have the problems that happen to the Rover Car thay are so unreliable my mate is an RAC man and the first thing he asks did it get hot if the answer is yes he dosn't open the bonnet he calls for recovery because it melts he calls it the chocolate Engine so don't get them hot Regards Paul

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been through all this long ago on exiges.com and seloc and its already been well established by people in the know (and K experts) that this is nothing more than the delusional ramblings of someone who clearly has adopted a very peculiar defensive position with reagrd to the mighty K.


Edited by - jackal on 7 Dec 2004 20:46:24

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