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Picket line . DO NOT CROSS


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Neither of you have done a scrap of work since you started hanging round here


So says the "Head of Snaitary services"

Well , this is the '70's isn't 🤔


So Comrades the Division of Sanitary Services is on an official strike and have withdrawn labour untill all the following demands are met

1)a complete apology is recieved along with

2)the use of the corkscrew at Weekends,

3)the swivel chair in all further negotiations

4)and the Headmasters Wifes recipe for guacomole


So please pledge your support below and normality can be resumed.


What do we want... Guacomole, When do we want it..... Now




Cleaning up after pesky shedders

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And remeber there will be no refuse collection, Piles of rubbish in the sheds,

And remeber if the Davis boy returns those "stains etc" will continue to build up



Ahh the Flying Pickets are Coming in support





Cleaning up after pesky shedders


Edited by - The School Janitor on 3 Dec 2004 19:16:18

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What do we want!!


An esoteric society where each and everyone is free to express themselves as a person, be that, or be that not, in an active, or in-active, workin presense.


When do we want it!!


As soon as possible, but not before due consultation and democratic discussion has run its course the the populase vote has been allowed to express their opinion, but not without due respect and discourse is given to the lessable member of society who may, or may not, be able to express their inner thoughts though a simple chad!!


Edited by - neil.cavanagh on 3 Dec 2004 19:17:36

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The Guild of Fletchers and Longbow-stringmakers wishes to pledge its solidarity with its Brothers of the Division of Sanitary Services during its struggle with the management.


(Not really, we don't give a toss; I'm just trying to get promotion in the hierarchy)



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Oi - Smiffy 😳


You leave us lot out of this argument *eek*


Go join yer own Guild of horses toenail filers and creating tools for removing boy scouts from hooves *tongue*


My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great Grandpappy once said...


Watch where you're pointing that arrow, you'll have someone's eye out with it
And look where we ended up today 😬


Growing old is compulsory - Growing up is optional 😬

See the old Barbarella here...


PS: Edited to add "Personally, I blame der maniggment" 🙆🏻


Edited by - Fletch on 4 Dec 2004 13:25:15

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Hang on a minute, that means your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great Grandpappy must have been French.

So you must really be a Flècheur?



An English longbowman, and proud of it.

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(Not really, we don't give a toss; I'm just trying to get promotion in the hierarchy)


As with all great strikes, Grundig, Leyland , Ford support always comes from those with thier own agenda....


Now brothers lets focus on the issue in hand rather than self promotion. If we have too many issues then the managemant scum will be able to divide the brotherhood, they will be pointing out the frivilous issues to give an impression that this is not a serious dispute.


WHat do we want.... Guacamole


When do we want it .... Know.



Too Old to die Young *eek*

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What we need is a sympathetic journalist to give the brothers more coverage.


The conditions of Employment are totally unacceptable...


Is it so wrong that we cannot eat Guacamole while sitting in a swivel chair negotiating with the capaltist Headmaster......


Granted with so many brothers not crossing the picket line into the Shed at the moment it still looks pretty tidy...


Looks like a long haul to win this one ☹️


NOTCleaning up after pesky shedders

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Cleaning staff have vowed not to be brushed off by management until their dinner party dip demands have been met.


A disgruntled employee who did not want to be named claimed that they had been treated terribly and anyway it gets him off double chemistry.


One shedder who was confronted by a row of placard waving campaigners argued that he would never cross a picket or any other Ewok for that matter.


Although reporters were held back from entering the Sheds it is believed that toffee wrappers are starting to pile up and could overflow onto the rug.


Flying pickets were turned back after last week's shock announcement of airoplanes being banned at airports. YThe janitorial staff did offer to bus them in but they complained bus pickets didn't have the same ring so went of in a sulk.


Staff huddled around a smoking brazzier until the head girl came and told it off as it was much too young to have cigarettes and certainly it was against school rules.


The headteacher was not available for comment but a spokesman confirmed he had gone for a nice nap and was hoping the strike could continue.



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