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Flippin' CRBs - *FORD* part no.s needed!


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I need a new CRB - nothing wrong with the old one, but as the engine is coming out, I might as well put a new one in.


It's for the Type-9...


Went to my local motor-factors - 'sorry sir, don't stock them - only do them with complete clutches - not many people do them on their own these days'.


Went to my local Ford dealer - 'Sorry sir - they are not specific to the box - we need to know what engine-variant the Sierra was...'


And all because some bright-spark ( *tongue* *wink*) told me not to buy it from CC!


'Search' hasn't helped much - it's come up with an INA part-number, but Ford don't recognise it. They say it should have a code in the form of YYAAXXXXBB where YY is a year-code (e.g. 88), AA is some double-letter combination (as is BB) and XXXX is a 4-digit number).


Any ideas? I'd get it from CC - but I've already put two orders in in the last few days when i could have paid for just one shipping charge... *mad*


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Pretty-soon - within the next week-10 days I hope (will be building the engine very shortly - got virtually all the bits except for a few minor bolts etc. on order) - so I'd hope to lever it in not long after.


Michael - thanks for that - I'll call them tomorrow and if there's been a run on them, I'll give you a call, Dave and sort you out a replacement in due course. Mav is trying to tie-down the Ford part no., but my local dealership are struggling somewhat and the price might be higher anyway.


Thanks and regds,


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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Ah. Just spoken to CC Parts - they do have CRBs in stock (I was speaking to them about returning an engine-mount bracket - they'd sent the wrong one) - so to keep things relatively simple, I've sourced it from them.


Still, we've got the info. available now.... *thumbup*


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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OK - I'll stick with what I've got then.


The old INA one I was given for reference a few days ago was all-metal.


The new one from CC parts is made by SKF (not SK) and has a part no. VKC2144 (caterham part no. AB57U - £10 plus VAT).


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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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For sure I remember people complaining about the plastic carriers on cars older than mine, giving strength to Dave's assertion that they were always plastic, and I *had* thought the one I'd just installed was the same as the one I have given you. I'd be keen to look at my old one again. Don't chuck it away. I'll clean it up with carb cleaner.


I have heard people talking about metal ones int he past now you mention it.

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Hmm - The old one Nigel gave me as a reference has a composite carrier - the top and bottom plates are plastic, but the middle-slice is metal.


OK, the whole carrier *is* plastic - but the retaining clips are metal. phew!


Check out this pic here


what about the heigh difference etc. - the new one is 1.5mm shorter....




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Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻




Edited by - Myles on 26 Nov 2004 14:24:16


Edited by - Myles on 26 Nov 2004 14:38:48

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Just spoke to CC technical:


They say the CRBs are the same for 5s and 6s, that they have recently changed suppliers, that the new one is a direct-replacement (despite having a different number of splines - 6 instead of 18 or so) and the fact it is 1.5mm thinner is of no consequence.....


Thoughts anyone?


Project Scope-Creep is underway...


Alcester Racing 7's Equipe - 🙆🏻



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