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Just when you think you are getting on top of things another probelm smacks you in the nuts..................


Woke up this morning to hear the sound of chewing coming from above......turn light on........nothing.............bloody mice have chewed the wiring *mad*


So I need a skinny electrician to get to where it needs fixed.........


So how do you keep mice out *confused*


Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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Bollox to that.......if I`d had a bazooka this morning I`d have blasted it through the ceiling just for the satisfaction...........


Off to try and find where the little buggers have got in......could someone switch the sun on please?




Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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Cheers Mav *thumbup*


So what`s the best way to deal with this........I`ve never had mice before......at least not in my own house...........


Mouse poison in the attic? Am I right in thinking it makes them thirsty which takes them back outside.......don`t really want a ded mouse festering in a corner of the attic somewhere.


Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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Trouble is our attic isn`t really an attic......as the upstairs rooms are kind of in the attic so there is only a narrow, low, long area where the water tank etc sits......it`s a pain getting past the water tank to where these eejits have been chewing............I`ll have to get me torch and go and investigate.


Have checked all round the outside of the house and the only two points of potential interest are 3m off the ground.......the extractor fan outlet has a bit of a gap around it and a bit of the grouting along the edge of the tiles on the roof has cracked and fallen away...........


Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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Squeezed into attic and had a crawl around (snake stylee) *mad*


Anyway no evidence of chewed wires but quite a lot of them are inaccessible.........a couple of mouse droppings so hopefully an isolated mouse and not a whole family......


Decided to try a new lightbulb in the bedroom....hey presto......must have been a coincidence........




It`s snowing by the way


Simon Bell - Caterham 7 Duratec R

I`ve seen the future.....and it`s powered by duratec Check out the website here

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*idea* - Any use? 😬


Get a humane mousetrap - pop a bit of chocolate in the end of it and you'll catch him! Then release him to gnaw through light cables in the wild - preferably a good way away from your house!





G 4 Geoff

Leather Good - Carbon Fibre Bad

619 GTD here

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No Not another catapault,

I thought the Headmaster banned those after the incident involving that Bonnie boy and as you might guess that Rascall from the lower remove , Davis.


It took three trips to the builders merchants to finally clear up the mess as the over protective Bonnie Hound decided his master was in danger and took out 3 stud partition walls


And you can stiil see the spit balls on the ceiling , look *arrowup*



I'm going to sit in the boiler room with the teachers 😬


Cleaning up after pesky shedders

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Misread ...

Get a humane mousetrap - pop a bit of chocolate in the end of it and you'll catch him!

... Replace HUMANE with HUMAN


Can we catch Nemesis (we'll have to replace the chocolate with something more tempting to someone on a diet) - Carbon fibre chocolate anyone?


At last - The insurance company have got their finger out 😬

See the old Barbarella here...

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Burn the entire house down Simon, it's the only way. The additional benefit is that it stops the little bu99ers from returning. *thumbup*


Problem solved...........anybody else with problems I can offer practical advice on 🤔 *wink*




2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive

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Dear Dr Brent,

I gather you have a unique method of Problem solving , not unlike myself with relationship councilling.


Whilst the Relationship trade is picking up I still find myself employed in the Corporate Jungle to earn a crust..


After my good advise to you and your lady wife yesterday I am prepared to cancel the agreed invoice if you can solve a problem on my desk at the mo....


Raw materials have risen by over 75% in last 6 months....


My main competitors have decided to make PBIT by going for a big volume drive and are lowering prices.....


My betters (the ones who pay me) have decided to increase prices to reflect the material costs when the market price is falling........


Loosing market share is not permitted......


Anyway , how do I best blow up the competitors factory, the old Pentane gas and matches routine is getting old hat now?


Any ideas 🤔


When you realise the worlds not nice just drop your pants and slide on the ice!!!

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Dear Delbert,


An easy problem to solve this one. What you are looking for is the old tried and tested 'Trojan Horse' ruse, the difference being that this 'Trojan Horse' is actually a cat.


Now since cats are readily allowed into factories to keep down the rodent population, nobody will suspect a thing 😬


What you do is kidnap a neighbours cat, then feed it with a few pounds of Semtex cunningly hidden inside a herring, complete with a radio receiver detonator.


Then release the cat outside the competitors factory whereupon it will inevitably be accepted in by some kind thinking soul who wants to feed it with the fishpaste sandwiches his wife keeps making and which he hates.


At this point, you simply turn on the transmitter, press the button and .......................Kerbooooooooooooooom


Problem solved and you can buy the neighbour a new cat with your next bonus which you have earned due to soaring sales.


Next please






2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive

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Simon, have you got a residual current circuit breaker in your main switch board. If so, this should cut the electrical system as soon as it is breached.


Loft insulation shouldn't be flammable but I don't know what type you have.




2.3 DURATEC SV. Gad these things are expensive

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